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  1. irishpenny


    Well, I have been reading up on these mantis...still not sure if I have one. I don't even know if it's the cleanup crew because I have had 3 clownfishes and another tang die on my, but I've found them dead on the bottom in the mornining. The lastest one..the coral beauty was pretty big..can't...
  2. irishpenny


    Hi, I am the other half of ID52. Yes, we do have live rocks. It is so upsetting to me that the clownfish and now the coral beauty have simply disappeared. No signs of any parts of there body (is that the word) anywhere. How can they simply disappear. The coral beauty was fine the other night. I...
  3. irishpenny

    Electricity Outages

    Originally posted by mbrands Option #2 . . . move out of Florida! Hmm...perhaps everyone in FL should move to Phoenix?:D
  4. irishpenny

    What is this?

    Well, I read up that the shrimp will lose it's shell or skin...think the term is molting? I have no more info about them. I don't see it anywhere in the tank...was told they hide. I can't find more info about long do they hide before they come out again. How often do they "molt"? I...
  5. irishpenny

    What is this?

    If it snail I remove them? I do have snails in there..not sure of the name.
  6. irishpenny

    Electricity Outages

    Since I am still a newbie and forgive if this had been asked before, but I am wondering how long an aquarium can go without power before it starts damaging the fishes? The hurricane season will soon be upon us Floridians and after the four we had last year, this is the first time I will be...
  7. irishpenny

    What is this?

    This morning I saw these swiggley lines on my glass tank. What is this? I noticed that one of the scarlet skunk shrimp is missing..had two. I saw the shell near the rock, but no shrimp. Would these swiggley lines have anything to so with the missing shrimp. I have 2 clownfishes, one coral beauty...
  8. irishpenny

    Thank You ALL!

    I had posted a few days ago about my fishes (damsels) so soon after setting up the tank for the first time per instructions from the LFS. Everyone one who responded were so helpful for me to get a better understanding on how to prepare the tank (cycling) for fishes to live, not die. Everyday my...
  9. irishpenny

    What am I doing wrong?

    So basically what you are saying that it is not wise to set up a tank and put fishes in it a few days later. I can't understand why the clerk who owns the aquarium store wouldn't even tell us that. He made it sound like all you do is put the water in it and immediately after, you can put the...
  10. irishpenny

    What am I doing wrong?

    We just purchased a 50 gal tank so that we could start our saltwater aquarium. We got the filter, lighting. heater, thermostat and live sand. We put the sand and water in the tank and got the filter going. We were told by the clerk that we should start out with damselfish before getting into the...