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  1. ohscc

    Picasso Sand Sifter

    mine too
  2. ohscc

    5th week No spikes??

    You need more shrimp. For a 75 gal tank I think you need 5 shrimp or so.
  3. ohscc

    Cycling tank........

    I ran my skimmer when I cycled my tank with dead shrimp too. I think you can do it either way though. As long as you get the spikes.
  4. ohscc

    Red Slime Algae

    Live sand eliminated it for me.
  5. ohscc

    Big Trouble With My Cycle

    If you want to be a successful hobbist you must do research before diving in. If you would have you would not be cycling with fish at all. There are so many other ways to cycle ( LS, LR, dead shrimp) that are better for your pocket and the fish. IMO you should never cycle with fish. I am not...
  6. ohscc

    Fish Compatability

    There is a chart on <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . Go to the word compatibility or go straight to the chart at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . hope this helps
  7. ohscc

    after the cycle

    I agree with ruaround. The slower you go and the more info you get, the more money and headaches you will save yourself. I also have a 55 gal aggressive tank and went slowly this time and so far so good.
  8. ohscc

    cleaning substrate

    Many people including myself are running or switching to live sand beds. The sand beds are inhabited by worms and micro organisms that break down waste. If you are running live sand do not vacuum your sand. If you are running a community tank i would get a clean up crew but if an aggressive...
  9. ohscc

    Stocking my first marine tank, questions

    I have a 55 gal tank with a picasso and a miniatus grouper. That is all the fish I am putting in there since I know the fish need room to swim and grow. Some problems I have found with the selection include: aggressive or community tank.(need to decide this first) 2) many(some not all) people...
  10. ohscc

    In what order do I add these fish.........

    Put the grouper in last!!!!!!!!!! I have a huma huma trigger that was in my 55 gal tank for about 6 months when I decided to add a Miniatus grouper. When I added the grouper i made sure to rearrange everything(thinking that the trigger would dominate)however things took a suprising turn...
  11. ohscc

    huma huma in a 55

    I have a huma huma in my 55 gal but I only have him and a grouper in there with live rock. If you do go with the huma huma leave plenty of swimming room for him and don't over stock the tank. I feed mine krill, squid, and silversides soaked in Zoe. P.S. In the aggressive forum you may get more...
  12. ohscc

    moving tank questons

    The only reason I wanted to leave the sand in there is because I thought that if you took the live sand out it would increase the die off and creating a cycle. Also, if you put the bottom sand over the top sand doesn't that kill the live sand that was on top? I would like to take the sand out...
  13. ohscc

    moving tank questions

    Great heads up on the return thing! Wow that is good, didn't even think of that! What about the sand? The only reason I wanted to leave the sand in there is because I thought that if you took the live sand out it would increase the die off and creating a cycle. Also, if you put the bottom sand...
  14. ohscc

    moving tank questons

    I am planning to move my 55 gallon tank about 7 miles over the weekend to my house. I have read many moving threads but I would like to know if anybody else could give me their .02. I have 4 inch live sand bed, some live rock(getting more once I move), and 2 aggressive fish(done with fish...
  15. ohscc

    moving tank questions

    I am planning to move my 55 gallon tank about 7 miles over the weekend to my house. I have read many moving threads but I would like to know if anybody else could give me their .02. I have 4 inch live sand bed, some live rock(getting more once I move), and 2 aggressive fish(done with fish...
  16. ohscc

    Got my first fish!

    As did galina, I also commend you for not adding fish untill your tank has already cycled. It's good to know we have new people that care about how happy their fish are. Good luck with your 55 gallon tank! I feed my clown formula two and a variety of flake foods.(If you wanted to know)
  17. ohscc

    Red slime algae

    live sand wiped it out for me
  18. ohscc

    Triggers w/ LR?

    My huma huma loves the rock not to kill it but to hide under it. He wedges his body in the rock and sleeps there. I recommend having rock with triggers so it can give them a place to hide and rest.
  19. ohscc

    Naso is hiding, won't come and play....

    Try putting in some seaweed selects and see if the naso comes out to nibble on that.
  20. ohscc

    trigger/ tank cycle

    To cycle with shrimp all you do is put a dead shrimp in the tank and monitor the ammonia, nitrate, ph, and nitrate. With a 30 gal. tank you can put in 1-2 deadshrimp(ones you get from the grocery store). Your ammonia should go up real high and then drop to 0 and then your nitrite will go up...