Search results

  1. ohscc

    trigger/ tank cycle

    A 30 gal is to small for any aggressive fish and you should never cycling with fish. I did the dead shrimp method and it worked great.
  2. ohscc

    Dead shrinp for cycling - no amonia!

    I cycled my 55 gal. tank with a large shrimp(don't know what you call them). But it equaled about 3 to 4 regular shrimp. I would never use fish to cycle a tank again ( no one told me not to the first time). However does cycle with fish and knows or gets advise on not to do so, IMO should not...
  3. ohscc

    First introduction of fish unsuccessful

    tell us: salt reading? Nitrate? nitrite? ammonia? ph?
  4. ohscc

    nitrite problems

    If he truly didn't cycle the tank then I advise your friend to say away from saltwater tanks untill he reads some. You should never cycle your tank with fish in it. Nitrite is lethel to most fish and is cruel to your fish. Hopefully your fish will survive but make sure your friend does...
  5. ohscc

    Triggers and inverts

    I have a huma huma trigger and I love it. However it did eat 20 of my snails. I would never put in anymore inverts in my tank. However, I introduced a minitus grouper and the grouper is the king of the tank now. I don't know how they would be with a smaller fish since the grouper I got was...
  6. ohscc

    Singapore Angelfish??

    I have had my Singapore angel for about 3 or so years. I have read many websites that say that they are hard to keep but I have had no problem with him or any other angel. I feed my fish( 2 damsels, 2 False clowns, and the singapore angel) once a day. I give them normally about 1/3 a cube of...
  7. ohscc

    Help my Poor PIcasso!

    What other fish do you have in the tank? Do they show any signs of white spots? What do the white spots look like (grains of salt, pimples, etc.)? Where are the spots located on the fish? Please answer these questions as soon as possible so we can help.
  8. ohscc

    one of my yellow tangs died

    If you could answer these questions first it might help us help you. Thanks Any other fish in the tank? What and how often have you been feeding it? How long have you had this tang? Have you ever keep a tang before?
  9. ohscc

    feeding new fish

    Make sure he eats well at the LFS.(ask the store to feed him right there so you can watch him) I have found this to be the best way to see if that fish has a good chance of eating in your tank.
  10. ohscc's live sand?

    I was thinking about ordering live sand for my aggressive setup and I just noticed that is shipping live sand for free. So I was wondering if any of yall have ordered live sand from here and could tell me how it is. ( does it have a lot of life in it/ worms,etc.? or are other...
  11. ohscc's live sand?

    I was thinking about ordering live sand for my aggressive setup and I just noticed that is shipping live sand for free. So I was wondering if any of yall have ordered live sand from here and could tell me how it is. ( does it have a lot of life in it/ worms,etc.? or are other...
  12. ohscc

    Miniatus Grouper

    I have had my miniatus grouper for 6 months now and he is the king of the tank. Before I got him I had a picasso trigger in there for 6 months and then waited 6 months to add the grouper. The trigger took a snap at the grouper and the grouper snapped back. Ever since the miniatus grouper is...
  13. ohscc

    Sick Singapore?

    Update: Fins are all most fully recovered. (Shocking if you would have actually have seen them when I found him.) He is eating Formula 2 and brown seaweed selects soaked in Zoe but not as aggressively as he once did but that may be yet to change. He is swimming around and doing fine except...
  14. ohscc

    Sick Singapore?

    I went to the grocery store the other day and they had garlic juice except it has some kind of gum in it and citric acid will these things harm the fish? Thanks again
  15. ohscc

    Sick Singapore?

    This is not my hospital tank, the thing I am using right now is like a cage that holds the fish but lets the regular water in from the tank. I have never done the garlic treatment before so can you tell me where and what I want to buy? I have heard health food stores(GNC????)have some but I...
  16. ohscc

    Sick Singapore?

    I have notice the crab in there for about 3 months so I know that the fish had to have some disease to allow the crab to get him, so I don't think it is only the crab. Update: Last night I put the angel in a smaller tank and placed the smaller tank inside my aquarium. I then fed my fish some...
  17. ohscc

    Sick Singapore?

    I have had my singapore angel now for about 2 years with absolutly no problem. I feed him seaweed selects, flake, and formula 2. Today I noticed he didn't come out when I feed my fish, so I looked and found him hovering in one corner of the tank. I just pulled him out of the tank and have him...
  18. ohscc

    Please help my trigger!!

    Thanks all of you who helped save my Piccaso. I used the Maracyn-Two treatment for 5 days and put him back in the tank. At first he was lazy but now after a week back in the tank he is once again eating and active. Thanks alot i can't believe this fish actually may survive. All there is left...
  19. ohscc

    what is the best replacement pump as of now for the remora Pro?

    My rio 1400 just died, I got lucky no nuke, anyway I did a search and found that many have a mag 3 running on it but I was wondering if there is now a better replacement? Please give me suggestions, and tell me how you like your replacement. Thanks for your time and please answer soon since I...
  20. ohscc

    Please help my trigger!!

    I don't have a hospital tank and I don't have any inverts or corals. The only other things in there is a grouper, sand, and rock. I do have some mycr???? 2 but last time i used the stuff nothing happened and my fish saddy died. Please tell me what to do. I may try to separte my tank in two to...