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  1. besba

    Anybody from Middle Ga?

    Ballzee, if you're out there, where do you purchase your LR and LS or do you?
  2. besba

    Bio-Load too High?

    My tank is about a year and 1/2 old. I have done 2 water changes in 2 weeks. I know I need to KEEP doing them. I use RO water when I do. I think the nitrates have been high a long time.( I didn't pay much attention to the tank for a while) I guess it's just gonna take a while for them to...
  3. besba

    Anbody heard of a ptereleotris evides?

    Thanks for the info :)
  4. besba

    LS question What's Southdown?

    Okay, I gather from everyone I need more LS. The last I bought came from LFS. They said it was from the Fugi(Sp?) Islands. It's gray with alot of small shells and some LR in it. It also had some tiny crabs and bristle worms. I've seen pic on here and other people's sand looks whiter than...
  5. besba

    Anbody heard of a ptereleotris evides?

    I think I bought a fish with this name(that's what he looks like in my book) Anybody know what he is, or what his habits? Seems peaceable enough now.
  6. besba

    Bio-Load too High?

    Okay, I know I have alot of questions but I'm still dealing with this Nitrate problem. I have a 55gal with a wet dry, pump is 500GPH. I have about 2" of LS.(getting more) about 40 pds LR(getting more) I have 1 regal tang(about 4ins), 1 foxface(about 6 ins), 1 coral beauty, 1 firefish, 1...
  7. besba

    Anybody tried a product called Nitrex?

    I've been on this site before about my high Nitrates. I pretty much gather that I need more LS. Anyway in the meantime, has anyone tried a product called Nitrex? The LFS here said it was "just the thing" to have to bring down my nitrates.
  8. besba

    What's a refugium?

    I ask questions and sometimes I don't understand the answers. Someone said it was good if I had a refugium in my tank. What's that?
  9. besba

    Anybody from Middle Ga?

    Hey Scott. Athens is a long way, but I'm glad you're out there! Where do you buy you LS and LR?
  10. besba

    Anybody from Middle Ga?

    Anybody on this site from Middle Ga? I only know of 1 LFS in our area. I'd love someone to chat with locally.
  11. besba

    conflicting info

    I have a wet dry. I've been on this site before about the high nitrates. I only have about 1-2" of LS. Everyone except the LFS says I need MORE. Anyway, I'm gonna order some and see if it helps. I also have no Clean up crew to speak of, but am afraid to add them wit Nitrates so High. I use...
  12. besba

    conflicting info

    Even tho my tanks been set up for about 11/2 year, I consider myself new at this. I get so much conflicting info. I started by using a guy in our area who services alot of SW tanks. He's against any LR or LS, does FO, and Likes a very CLEAN tank. I would like to go a more natural route. I have...
  13. besba

    What's this Clear stuff?

    My tank is about a year and 1/2 half old. I have this clear floating plastic looking stuff with something like air bubbles in it here in there. Got any ideas? 55Gal. 50pdsLR/60pds LS. 1 Regal Tang, 1 Foxface, 1Coral Beauty, 1 Firefish,1 black and white cardinal. Just added mushrooms.
  14. besba

    what kinda mushrooms are these?

    I impulsely bought a piece of live rock with mushrooms all over it in Fl. this weekend. I've had a FO tank till now. They are orangish-brown. What kind might they be? How do you take care of them. Can they handle nitrates of 80ppm? 55Gal Wetdry with 500GPH pump. 2"DSB. 40pds LR. 1 Tang. 1...
  15. besba

    High Nitrates

    Thanks for answering. I use RO water, but it's bought(Crystal Springs). My tank is about a year and 1/2 old. I also tested my nitrates with the dry tab kit I have-same results. I'll try LFS. Any quick fixes for nitrates to save my mushrooms? Ever heard of a product called chemie-sure(sp?)...
  16. besba

    High Nitrates

    Whoops, forgot a question. Yes the mushrooms are opening. Some anyway, but not all the way. By the way, Besba's a damsel! Thanks for all the advice :)
  17. besba

    High Nitrates

    Yes, I cleaned the Live Rock! Not Sand. Anyway, I bought a kit just for nitrite and nitrate. It's called AquaLab IV, and is a stick you put in the water.(But I knew the Nitrates were high already) My nitrites are fine. The Nitrates have been high for a long time(2 mo. anyway) so that wouldn't...
  18. besba

    Mr Salty

    Mr Salty please help. Read High nitrates on new hobbists page. I just see you on here alot. Thanks, besba.
  19. besba

    High Nitrates

    I have about 1-2"'s of LS. I have about 30lbs of LR, but I don't think it's all "live" anymore because I took some of it out and cleaned it. I'm using all RO water. The Foxface seems to be nipping at the Live rock. Will he eat the mushrooms??! I'm doing a water change as I write. How tolerate...
  20. besba

    High Nitrates

    Help Help. while in Fla this weekend I impulsively bought a piece of live rock with some really pretty orangey colored mushrooms on it. There was also this pincushiion looking thing. I knew my nitrates were high, but the owner of the store said I had a couple of days to bring them down, before...