Search results

  1. beavis4040

    what is your stock list

    I have a 90g 5" sand 100lbs lr. 1 5" Porc puffer best fish ever, hands down. 1 2" Picaso trigger 1 Checkerboard wrasse 2 Sebae clowns 1 yellow (clown?) goby 2 false percs 1 Flame angel 50+ blue legs 60+ assorted snails Small candy cane luster and 2 other soft corals. The False percs were given...
  2. beavis4040

    Lighting question

    Hey, i'm wondering what kinds of corals I would be able to keep in a 90g tank, 25" in Height. I have 2X 54w T5's (High Output) one 6700K and the other 18000k. I'm not looking for anything very difficult o large, mostly thinking some zoo's but other idea's or sugestions are very welcome.
  3. beavis4040


    Just a quick question regarding backrounds. Do most people recomend having a pure black or blue back or leave it clear? Pro's cons? also what about on the sides. I've never used it myself however I hear alot about it. Some info would be sweet! thanks all
  4. beavis4040

    90G stock list

    Well i'll probably have to order it in at my LFS, no idea what size, i would prefer nothing over the 3" mark to start, however I have not had one before so I am not familiar with what sizes are common. Is there typically a size issue with them, or is there a reason why you ask about size? Thanks!
  5. beavis4040

    90G stock list

    I'm looking into seting up another good sized tank, minimum 90g. I currentlay have a 3-4" porc puff and a magenta dotty back. I'd like to keep it very colorful and have it semi aggressive. Looking to add: 1. Harlequin Tusk 2. picasso Trigger 3. Cuban Hog fish any idea's would be great, again I...
  6. beavis4040

    What is your favorite "fish name" and why?

    Well, it's not overly imaginative, however i have a 3-4" Porc puffer and we call him Bubba. He's just such a laid back kinda guy it just fit so perfectly. He's slow and just kinda watches you, he's my favorite fish i've ever had. We actually call our new son that too he gets called...
  7. beavis4040

    Colorful/interesting fish list

    Thanks for the fast reply! I was thinking the 90 wold be too small small as well, so hopefully I can find a decently priced 120g tank around here, if not i'll probably drop one or two of em. Anyone else have any sujestions for some colorful fish? The porc is a must and I think the huma huma will...
  8. beavis4040

    Colorful/interesting fish list

    Hey, I've had a SW tank fr about 3 years now and am looking to upgrading back to a larger tank than i cuently have, probably 90-120g ish. Just wanted to know if this sounds like an interesting/colorful mix that would do well together. 1 Porc puffer 1 Huma Huma 1 Cuban Hog fish 1 Harliquin tusk 1...
  9. beavis4040

    Questions about stocking 50g

    I've had him the the 50g for 4 months and to be honest he is very mild mannered, i've had no issues at all with him picking on my other fish. I do realise I'll have to upgrade to a bigger tank (i already have a 75 in storage that i'll use when I move into a larger home) however he is only 3" so...
  10. beavis4040

    blackand white clown

    Are the clowns in the first pics Black and White's? They look like clarkii/Sebae to me with the yellow/orange face's and fins. Also what do you all think about keeing clowns in pairs or having a single? Not to sound silly but I wonder if having just one clown (with other fish of course) that hey...
  11. beavis4040

    Questions about stocking 50g

    No one has any advice?
  12. beavis4040

    Questions about stocking 50g

    Hi there, i've had a SW tank for about 2 years however about 6 months ago i had to down size from my 75g to a 50g corner unit. Tank is well established, I don't normally have any/many problems. I have about 75lbs LR, and a good 4" of sand bed. Anyways, question is I curently have a Midas Blenny...
  13. beavis4040

    50G corner stock list

    Let me know how this sounds. 1 Midas blenny 1 Zebra dartfish 2 Sebae clowns 1 Flame angel 1 Yellow headed jawfish 1 Sixline wrasse 1 Yellow watchman goby 1 Pigmy angel Most of these fish are small, tank is well established, with 5-6in sand bed, 60lbs LR and will have a large canister filter and...
  14. beavis4040

    Another Fish list..I know!

  15. beavis4040

    Another Fish list..I know!

    Hey, i'm downgrading my 75G tall to a 45G corner as i'm moving. I'll have about 4" of argonite sand bed and probably 60-70lbs of LR. This was all in my 75g so i won't have to cycle again. Anyways, I'm wondering if my list is too big or should be fine. 2 Sebae clowns 1 Sixline wrasse 4 blue...
  16. beavis4040

    Need help, stunned/dead fish? Sabae??

    Hello, I have a 75G tall tank which has been up and running a year now. I have about 100lbs of LR 60LBS of LS and all the regular gear. My tank has been running awsome for quite some time now with no issues (accept disapearing fish now and then...) I test the water myself and confirm with my...
  17. beavis4040

    having Babies??

    I've had a pair of false percs for about 9 months now, they have been hosting my Sabae for...maybe 4 months. i just noticed yesterday that the larger, hence the female clown's belly seems to be swollen maybe? She looks fat!! but not all over, just closer towards her front. I've seen them be...
  18. beavis4040

    Reef Dried Out

    I'm at a total loss as to what this all means..Do you mean dead coral's in/on your rock you have bought? If so no it wouldn't kill the fish in and of it's self. Just not too sure what you mean tho or I would maybe be able to help more? :notsure:
  19. beavis4040

    Too Much??

  20. beavis4040

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    I love that last list from lion. lots of different types of fish, colors and personality's.