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  1. beavis4040

    stocking suggestions for 50 gal hex

    I think the SFE, lion, flame, 1 butterfly and a puffer (you gotta get a puff, they rock!) would be good. you could probably squeez in the hawk! This sounds like a nice mix to me, the only one i'd be iffy on is the hawk which I think is most expendable to you anyways so would say get rid of it...
  2. beavis4040

    anyone tired of it

    LOL, I actually had a conversation with my GF about this last week. I try not to talk about it overly much with her but usually can't help myself. I don't really talk about it much with anyone else tho. i think my GF and daughter actually now hate the pet store... I love to go and see...
  3. beavis4040

    Too Much??

    Hey all, just want your opinions on my set up. 75G, 30G sump&fuge, 80lbs LS 100lbs of LR, I currently have 2 false percs that host in a large Sabae Anen, A Midas blenney, Yellow Watchman Goby, coral beauty and a small hippo tang(2in and yes I do plan to have a bigger tank in the future, probably...
  4. beavis4040

    stocking nba players tank..Ideas?

    I would say they would want sonething that will get the "WOW" from people, or a shock factor...big bright angel, a lion fish for the shock/wow and some really colorful triggers and tangs, any maybe an odd butterfly or two. see if he likes eels too, that's a show stopper! and a puffer, gotta...
  5. beavis4040

    100 gal FOWLR setup advice

    Puffers will eat the clam and the lobster, also you can't keep clam with that light. You need good metal halides for that.
  6. beavis4040


    I want to know how often everyone feeds their fish? There is a good LFS store areound here that specializes in saltwater. They have sugested feeding my fish like one a week...this seems very extreem to me. Given he said this while my tank was still new and I was trying to get all m levels inline...
  7. beavis4040

    Stocking my New 210!

    I'm no expert, but i'd say that's a little too much for a 210...5 tangs, angel and 6 wrasses plus others...i'd say probably 3 tangs and the rest. On another note I want a mystery wrasse sooo bad! I love that fish, i'll never see one where I live though :mad: I also haven't heard many good...
  8. beavis4040

    OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...

    Oh yeah, and I really want a puffer really really bad!!! and almost bought a blue spotted Toby to put in...and think I may someday just doing it and pray he don't eat my shrimp and snails and crabs!
  9. beavis4040

    OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...

    I don't think I do any too 'wrong', but I am putting a small hippo tang in my 75g...and I don't usually use Ro water, actually I have only once, but it did seem to work better. I also will be getting a mandarin soon I think, but I do have about 100lbs of LR, and a 30g sump/fuge going in in about...
  10. beavis4040

    Corals split?

    I have a purple, what I think is some sort of finger leather coral. Last night I was moving some rocks around the tank, being very careful about the coral. I placed him back on some rocks (he is attacked to a small rock that stayed with him durring moving around) he was kinda....lazy lookin...
  11. beavis4040

    Hurricane season looming. Ideas for keeping a...

    Agreed, small generator or a larger one for the home would work. never a fun thing to have to worry about but it happens!
  12. beavis4040

    Sixline keep disapearing

    Sixline's don't usually burry them selves, they sometimes hide for a few days but usually they are very active swimmers and love to swim in around the LR. I had my first one for about 4 months before he magically went away They are not similar to the Red Corris, two very different fish from...
  13. beavis4040

    Mixing clowns

    ok, good to knowZ!
  14. beavis4040


    Well, I just had to post this cuz I can't beleive it! My Sabae Anen has been in the tank about 3 weeks, my two false percs about 6mths, they have shown no intrest in the Sabae what so ever, except for yesterday!! :joy: The little male now stays in it all the time, he swims all over it and plays...
  15. beavis4040

    Sixline keep disapearing

    Not on the floor, tank is 75G, 100lbs of live rock, stats as follows. am 0-0.3 trites 0 trates 5-10 phospate 1.0 PH 8.5 salt about 1.023 I have seen some kind of crab in the tank but not sure what kind or color. didn't seem very big, and I would think that my yellow watchman Goby would be food...
  16. beavis4040

    Sixline keep disapearing

    Hey all, I've had 3 different sixline wrasses dissapear on me over the past few months , I drip them for about an hour or so and all have seemed very healthy. They go into my tank and I see them swim around for awhile, I come back and never see them again. All of my other fish have been fine...
  17. beavis4040

    Fish Combo

    I've had one before but he got sick a few month back. (jawfish) My sand bed is about 4" deep so should be good. With the hawkfish, that one is supposed to be very unaggressive I think, but I oculd be wrong! anyone know??
  18. beavis4040

    Mixing clowns

  19. beavis4040

    I really want an anenome!

    I like the Sabae myself...very nice shape and perfect tentacle lenght!
  20. beavis4040

    Fish Combo

    How does this sound in my 75G. I have a 30G sump/fuge as well, and all the regular gear. Currently have: 1. 2 False Percs (not very big..2-3") 2. 1 Coral Beauty (3") 3. 1 Midas Blenny also have cleaner and coral banded shripms Want 2 Yellow headed jaw fish (was told they will live in a...