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  1. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    Originally Posted by MaTT B well thats a 300 without helping the ammonia spike. But anyway I lOVE the rock work! And do you have test kits? And like asked befor did you get this rock at a fish store or did you order it online. Matt b i got the rock at my LFS and they said it was uncured
  2. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    any one have any suggestions or comments on how the tank is going
  3. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    ok nvm i lied this is what it looks like now since i moved some rock around and added some
  4. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    This is how my tank looks as of right looking at these pics reminds me i have to go clean the glass of my tank
  5. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    This is some of the LR that i bought and the first day with my tank
  6. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    well i bought more LR and have 30 to 35 lbs of it and my water already cleared up ill try to put pics up tonight im just trying to figure out how to do it
  7. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    well i ended up buying 41lbs of LR is that too much for a 29g and how long does it take to cycle
  8. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    How long does it usaully cycle for and what do i need to buy to test everything out
  9. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    Ok thanks matt b i finally bought the tank today im fixing to get everything set up with 19lbs of LR to start hopefully i can get some pics up soon
  10. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    SO does anyone know about how many fish and coral i can keep in a 29 g and what type of coral
  11. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    o and how many corals and fish can i put all together in a tank that size ?
  12. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    yea rtspeed that sounds like a good idea but i have no clue how to do it is there anyweb site i could find out how that looks and how to do it .
  13. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    ok good and also what size should i get for the quaratine tank and should i buy any upgrades or buy different stuff than the stock items it comes with
  14. kiki05

    29g BIOcube ?

    IM thinking about buying a 29g bio cube from my LFS and wanted to know if this is a good starter tank i plan on putting False Percula Clownfish - Mated Pair and some coral and maybe one more small fish and i know i have to wait untill i put the fish and coral but would this be good for a starter
  15. kiki05

    fish list for a 125g

    I do want a puffer but i guess i have to do a whole lot more research than i thought to see if its right with the other fish i have an the invertebrates and anemone i get
  16. kiki05

    fish list for a 125g

    OK well I guess the puffer is a no any more fish that would go with the fish that ive picked
  17. kiki05

    fish list for a 125g

  18. kiki05

    Looking for a 125g tank or bigger in Tx

    Or any one know where to get a good reef ready 125g or bigger tank in tx
  19. kiki05

    Looking for a 125g tank or bigger in Tx

    Im looking for a 125g tank or bigger in Texas willing to drive even to Arkansas
  20. kiki05

    fish list for a 125g

    New list 1 royal gramma 2 paired percula clown 1 blue tang 1 lawnmower blenny 1 valentini puffer And would that be in the right order to put them in the tank