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  1. 55reef55

    911 for Green Carpet Anenome

    Check your water. chekc the phosphates!! i had a green bubble tip that was about 1 ft in diameter, it looked good for 2 days or so then started doing what yours is doing (or sound like anyway) and later it did die. i checked my water too late. my phosphates were high and i think that did it...
  2. 55reef55

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    thanks beth that helped alot.. and yes im getting rid of them they are just too big and nasty looking LOL well thanks again
  3. 55reef55

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    oh they were well moving alot.. sorta fast things.. and they were craling though a rock i got that has holes in it. all 3 were with my gobi, and enginer gobi under a rock so all three were scuped up by my net.
  4. 55reef55

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    also what do they do.. exacly?
  5. 55reef55

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    well i would but i think they dead already they are in a jar of my saltwater.. bu i mean they are huge.. never b4 seen them at big, and tell me a price on what you will pay for them, they all are about 6 inches long and about an half to a full inch wide.
  6. 55reef55

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    Im not for sure... but i was moving some rock today b/c my mom said there was a worm thing with bristles on each side and it was huge. So i was like uhh whatever and moved the rock and sure enough there was 3 worms about 6-7 inches long maybe an inch wide with little bristles going down both...
  7. 55reef55

    Got a Croal branded shrimp from

    what about the leg and tenicals? will they grow back after a few molts?
  8. 55reef55

    Got a Croal branded shrimp from

    And it arived looking ok... The entini were bend all up and a few looked like they were cut off. I thought no big deal, then i noticed that one of its legs were broke, it was just hung there and the shrimp never moved it or used it when walking. Now today to my surpise I go to my tank to take a...
  9. 55reef55

    Need a little help on school work

    LOL well thanks for the help.. i have read just about half the book.. and i can write the paper easy.. b/c its not on the book its on the author of the book. (j.d salinger) LOL and a got a few bucks but its almost too late now =) But still if anyone knows anything about this book (Nine stories)...
  10. 55reef55

    Need a little help on school work

    Ok i have to read J.D salinger's "Nine stories"... by thursday well really tonight. b/c i have to do the paper tommarow night, i can do this though b/c its not really on the book itself but the auther (salinger) and iv writen 1 paper on him and anouther on His book "cather in the rye" (best book...
  11. 55reef55

    O NO! Now 3 of my fish have ick!Help!

    feed with garlick(sp) mash up the food and garlick together let it the food soak in the garlick for a few minutes, then dump the food and garlick into the tank.. This is Great for curing ICK i have a hippo and powder blue tang that have came down with ick 2 times... both times have been fixed my...
  12. 55reef55

    lfs won't sell to me!!!

    MY lfs owner is cool as hell, he would not sell to a freind of mine (only sertain things) b/c he did not have a good filter but he is looking out for his creatures. Also he will BUY back stuff you buy, bring it in give it to him if its in good health he will take it, not like you will get alot...
  13. 55reef55

    Anyone have a conch in thier tank?

    I was thinking of getting a fighting contch from, just wondering if it is a good adition to a reef tank? And well your experiance with them, good and bad about them. thanks ~later~
  14. 55reef55

    Wavemaker Users

    sorry i was going to make a new thread for this but scince this one is here ill ask. Were would i get a wavemaker for a 55gal? and would it be a good idea, basicly the top of my water is too still. i have 2 powerheads pointing up to create a ripple but not good enough. What can i do?
  15. 55reef55

    Will anything in the clean up crew

    eat coral? well basicly are all the things in it reef safe?? and i have clean shrip will it fight with the coral branded? Also i have a sally light foot will the 2 fight or what? well just basicly want to know if everything in the 20-55gal package is reef same. thanks ~later~
  16. 55reef55

    my reef pics, HELP!!!!!!!!

    iris?? you mean shutter =) if you leave the shutter open a while and dont move the camera more lite gets in but will distorte any moving object. Now with my digi.. still sucks you need lots of light just like use a [hr] tank light and put it behind you and take a pic just make sure there is...
  17. 55reef55

    what is a good protien skimmer for a 55?

    thanks and these can be hung from the back of the tank and like not all in the water, b/c my rock is built up in the back and well some skimmers wont fit.
  18. 55reef55

    what is a good protien skimmer for a 55?

    I need one that hangs on the back of the tank!! b/c my lights take up almost all of the top of the tank. So what a desent to good skimmer that hanges on the tank? for about $80 is what im looking to spend mybe more and i need one today so tell me brand name so i can look for it at like ***** or...
  19. 55reef55

    AGAIN anemne help pics inside

    sounds good.. but the funny thing is my water was good untile i put that anenme in there. I have anouther long ten under a rock you cant see in the pic not near as big but is doing great. Oh well i think tommarow ill have to visit the LFS and get me a few things to fix my tank and make it...
  20. 55reef55

    Sally lightfoot?

    you are right they are fun to watch mine is most active at night time. But every once in a while will do alot during the day. And also they are fast as hell.. if you ever change tanks good luck catching that little thing. But they are cool.