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  1. sunny

    Need Help with Clown ID

    I didn't think Tomato Clowns had any black on them. When I looked at the photos on of the Tomato Clown, it was completely orange...
  2. sunny

    My 1st fish!

    We bought 3 for $10. After 3 months we ended up donating them to our local fish store orphanage. They look cool, but I wouldn't plan on buying any other fish. They are real mean. Good luck.
  3. sunny

    ID Help Needed

    I have two different things growing on my live rock. The first one is white and bubbly. The second one is white and brain like. The third photo is for perspective. Please help me ID thanks.
  4. sunny

    Need Help with Clown ID

    I purchased the Clown fish below who is now in QT. I was told it was a Tomato Clown, but I think it is something else. Please help me ID this fish. Thanks.
  5. sunny

    250 metal halide retro

    Did you sell it yet? If not please email me, Thanks.
  6. sunny

    29 Gallon For Sale In FL

    Where in Florida? Can you please email me a photo? sunnyslaw@aol.comb
  7. sunny

    29 gal. cabinet

    What kind of light? Please send my pictures of both the 29 and 55 set up. Thanks.
  8. sunny

    55gal. cabinet

    What kind of lighting?
  9. sunny

    Freedom filter

    Yes. The skimmer works very well.
  10. sunny

    Freedom filter

    We have been using it the last 4 months on our 75 gallon tank. It works really well. We are very happy with it.
  11. sunny

    Freedom Filter

    Yes. We have been using it for the last 4 months on our 75 gallon. It has been working very well.
  12. sunny

    Blue Hippo Tang - Lock Jaw???

    My Blue Hippo Tang doesn't seem to be able to close his mouth. He is probably about 3 years old. He goes for the pelet food, but he can't keep it in is mouth because he cannot shut it. Any Advice?
  13. sunny

    Coral Banded Shrimp - With Eggs

    I have a Coral Banded Shrimp and it has a bunch of eggs. Is there any way to see if any of the fry survive? Can I remove her from my main tank and put her in a smaller unfiltered tank with a bubbler?
  14. sunny

    Coral Banded Shrimp - Mated Pair

    When I first put them in my tank, they almost immediately kicked my cleaner shrimp (AKA Red Stripe) out of his normal spot in the branch type live rock. Then they beat Red Stripe up pretty good, they clipped his feelers and amputated a leg. But, shrimp are amazing and everything grew back when...
  15. sunny

    Coral Banded Shrimp - Mated Pair

    I have attached a photo. We really think it is eggs. We have seen her stick her small claws in the underside of her tail between the flippers and move them around. Will she lay the eggs or give a live birth? Is there anything I shoud do with her? :cheer:
  16. sunny

    Coral Banded Shrimp - Mated Pair

    My husband thinks that the underside of the belly is green.
  17. sunny

    Coral Banded Shrimp - Mated Pair

    I have a mated pair of Coral Banded Shrimp. The larger of the two seems to have a blue-ish sac that can be seen on its underside. Are they eggs or baby shrimp? If they are, should I do something special?
  18. sunny

    Temp Question

    82 degrees in the morning. Hopefully this is a good temp range.
  19. sunny

    DIY - Converted flood-lights

    I was just wondering the same thing. I just so happened to stumble across the same light at Home Depot and have been wondering if it will work. I found a web site *Illegal Link* where some guys sells the same thing (slightly modifies and painted black) for twice the money. I was thinking...
  20. sunny

    Temp Question

    It is currently at 84, light just went off and air conditioning just went on (we are in Florida ). Will check in morning to see if there is a change. Thanks