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  1. casinobob

    Southdown not for aquariums?

    Thanks for the info. I'm going to make a trip to Madison and people here say they have it. Thank God!!!
  2. casinobob

    Southdown not for aquariums?

    Does any one have the sku #? I just called Home Depot and they said it should only be 6 digits long. Also they said any UPC code will be 12 digits long. So if anyone has the correct ones, please post. Bob
  3. casinobob

    Lights any good?

    Would 192 watts of PC be better than the previous MH setup? Here's the link for it....
  4. casinobob

    Lights any good?

    Would the area directly underneath where the MH bulb be close to medium? I'm only looking to keep some GSP and some polyps and maybe Xenia. I think most of these are lower light corals right? HEHE, I'm definately a newbie!!!
  5. casinobob

    Lights any good?

    Thanks Beckzilla Any other opinions on these lights? I'm planning on getting one from the person off of ----. Any last suggestions for me?
  6. casinobob

    What eats poop?

    I have one and he poops everywhere too. Should see it when he doesn't move for a couple hours....leaves a pile
  7. casinobob

    Dual 175 MH and 95 VHO ICE CAP 660

    I need some lights quick. I am serious about making an offer, but need to know what your looking for in price range. My email is
  8. casinobob


    How much do you guys lose a day?
  9. casinobob


    I'm probably losing over a gallon of water to evaporation a day. I have a 58 gallon with a sump and fuge underneath. Would it be ok to put an acrylic top on the display tank to stop some of the evaporation from there? I think I'll get enough gas exchange between the sump and fuge.
  10. casinobob

    Lights any good?

    Would this MH lighting be good for a 58g setup? If it would be, what lighting range would you put it in (i.e. low, medium, or high)? Thanks Bob
  11. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    How big has yours gotten and over how long?
  12. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    bump.... I got a huge turbo snail and he's already started to down the red stuff. Any ideas about the whit thing? Should i turn the rock so that it is closer to the lighting in case it is a coral. It is currently pointing at the bottom of the tank. It looks like it has little tiny orange...
  13. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    Do you guys think its too soon to add plants to the fuge. Its been up for a little over 2 weeks and nitrites and ammonia are close to 0. With the white thing in the tank, should I act like it may be a coral or something and move the rock so its closer to the lights? Thanks
  14. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    Maybe this one will look better......
  15. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    Any idea what the first thing is???
  16. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    Does this look normal on the sand? Its deep purple with a couple green spots. The purple stuff has has little pointy things on it. The stuffs all over the rock as well. Don't know if its coraline or not..... On the rock bubbles are present.
  17. casinobob

    Id Me!!

    This thing is about 1 inch long and looks like it wants to hatch!!! I can't get a better picture, most turn out blurry with this thing. Tank's been up for 2 weeks and noticed this a couple days ago. At one time it had an orange ball hanging from it. Its all white right now. Thanks
  18. casinobob

    Live Rock/Fuge Questions

    bumpety bump bump any ideas on when to add plants in the fuge?
  19. casinobob

    Live Rock/Fuge Questions

    That's what I kind of figured
  20. casinobob

    Live Rock/Fuge Questions

    The person that was shipping me live rock had a problem and wasn't able to ship the rock right away. It appears the rock has been out of water for close to a week. What problems will i have with this rock. I just added the first batch of rock he shipped me last friday into the tank. There is...