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  1. dperna

    schooling fish

    oh ok, well then that sounds good to me
  2. dperna

    schooling fish

    yeah, the filamented flasher wrasse is beautiful, how is the feeding like. i read that you need to add amino acids and color-enhancing pigments to their food?
  3. dperna

    schooling fish

    by the way everyone, how does that stocklist sound, 1 maroon clown 1 lemonpeel angel 1 blackback butterfly and some little schooling fish
  4. dperna

    schooling fish

    i love the lyretail anthias, but are they had to take care of. a lfs told me they were. if so are there any other smaller anthias's that would do nicely
  5. dperna

    schooling fish

    I'm trying to find a couple little schooling fish, maybe 2 or 3, to put in my 58g. the only thing i have in right now is a maroon clown, but down the line i would like to add a lemonpeel angel and a blackback butterfly fish. this will not be a reef tank. Lets hear some suggestions ***)
  6. dperna

    overflow box problem

  7. dperna

    overflow box problem

    ok, i took out the durso standpipe along with everything that was in the overflow box and cleaned everything out really good and put it back in and i wasnt having the problem with the sump anymore. BUT now i have a new problem since there is hardly any room in the overflow box it was really...
  8. dperna

    overflow box problem

    The way I was going to try to check/clear my durso standpipe was by turning off my pump, letting the water in the overflow box go back to normal, then syphon all the remaining water out of the overflow box, and once there is no water remaining in the overflow box then unscrew(hopefully i can get...
  9. dperna

    overflow box problem

    i think a snail got sucked in, and is now loged into the durso standpipe. has this ever happend to anyone else before? I know it might sound stupid but i'm pretty sure this is the case
  10. dperna

    overflow box problem

    sorry im new to this tank, and to sumps in general, which is the "u-tube"?
  11. dperna

    overflow box problem

    I was going to top off my sump today beacuse it was really low and i added alot of water and i noticed it still wasnt filling up. Being really confused I looked around and saw that the overflow box was filled up all the way to to top, the same level as the rest of the tank. I took alot of water...
  12. dperna

    SWF 20-55 Gallon Package

    please help
  13. dperna

    SWF 20-55 Gallon Package

    I was planning on ordering this package soon, if theres no issues that is, but my question would be this. Can i go ahead and get all of these inverts if my tank is new? The tank has been running for years but with nothing in it besides live rock and sand. Over the weekend i transfered everything...
  14. dperna


    Thanks, yep everythings stable, I tried to make it so it didnt look too much like just the whole back wall filled up. The overflow box is in the left corner so i built around that and left that gap between that big shelf piece pretty open.
  15. dperna

    SWF 20-55 Gallon Package

    Does anyone know about the starfish? Can those kill my fish?
  16. dperna


    I just aquascaped my 58g tank yesterday, can anyone tell me their oppinion? what they like/dislike? Thanks. PS the picture quality/reflection completely sucks I know that lol, but besides that you can see the basic picture
  17. dperna

    SWF 20-55 Gallon Package

    alright thanks, can anyone else give some input
  18. dperna

    SWF 20-55 Gallon Package

    Hello everyone. For my 58g I am considering the SWF 20-55G package. For those who dont want to find it on the website it contains: Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10 Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10 Nasssarius Snail: 10 Brittle Starfish: 2 Coral Banded Shrimp: 1 Emerald Crab: 3 Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20...
  19. dperna

    HELP!!! yellowheaded sleeper goby dying?

    ok, thank you so much for the help. i've never had any problems with fish before so this is all new to me. hopefully tomorrow everything will be fine
  20. dperna

    HELP!!! yellowheaded sleeper goby dying?

    well maybe 45 minutes? i cant remember. to be honest i know i didnt do it as good as when i got him from the store to my 20g. if he dies overnight and i dont notice till the morning will he throw off anything in the tank? levels, etc