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  1. dperna

    lets talk about schooling damsels and chromiss

    Does anyone here who have Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) have them in a FOWLR tank? if not, do you know if they do as good? because i am too interested in these schooling fish
  2. dperna

    check list please

    if its true that they reallya re easier to take care of then some of the dramatic stories i've heard, will i have enough room in my tank for lets say 3 of these, with the original list i have a the top of the page. also the Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) looks like its knida tinted yellow. is...
  3. dperna

    check list please

    i was considering getting around 3 chromis but after hearing different sides of how difficult they were to keep, and the constant feeding they need i am trying to steer away from them. does anyone think that i would be able to add either 2 or 3 Filamented Flasher Wrasse to this list?
  4. dperna

    check list please

  5. dperna

    What Is This?!

    just a second ago i was looking in at my tank with a flash light because all the lights are off and in a little tunnel of a rock a saw a really really really small little orange/red thing swimming almost looked like a fish but it was litterly the size of a big pencil dot. what can...
  6. dperna

    check list please

    with all of those inverts do you have to feed them? i mean besides the algea, detritus, or whatever it is that they may feed on i have heard that you should put extra fish food in your tank so they get some otherwise they will eat eachother. for example i feed my maroon frozen mysis shrip...
  7. dperna

    check list please

    Can anyone tell me if this is too many inverts and what are a little group of fish i can add to this list if thats possible
  8. dperna

    Making sure my Fish list and Aquascaping is ok! Pics included.

    sounds like you've got an awesome plan. hey how do you like that 20-55g invert package from swf? i'm actually considering ordering that for my 58 g, the only thing is i feel like it would be too much for my tank but it sounds like a great deal. had any bad experiences with anything in that...
  9. dperna

    check list please

    yay! im very glad to hear that response . Good luck to you too then! cant wait to get this baby goin!
  10. dperna

    check list please

    thanks, that was my first experience with leaking so it was kinda scary ha
  11. dperna

    check list please

    yep, thanks! it basically resulted in me taking everything out of my overflow box, including the bulk head and removing all the sand that was on the floor from the previous owner and moving and stuff because there was some in between it and i just clean it all out and re applied the bulk head...
  12. dperna

    check list please

    alright, thanks. and as for the fish?
  13. dperna

    check list please

    :help: sorry if all my questions are being anoying, i just like hearing others opinions
  14. dperna

    check list please

    Through many posts on the SWF forums, and other sources such as Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael I have come up with a stock list for my 58 gallon Oceanic Tank (36" long, 18" deep and 18" tall) Right now I have a maroon clownfish but I would like to eventually get: Lemonpeel Dwarf Angelfish...
  15. dperna

    schooling fish

    I have read that the bangaii cardinals and firefish shouldnt be housed with eachother, and if you have more of 1 they will probably end up dying
  16. dperna

    VERY SERIOUS QUESTION! buying fish online?

    An add on to this question, just because i will soon be making my first order too... how is the shipping date determined. i'm going to be worried on what day it will come because i dont want my box to just be standing outside in the negative 10 degree weather. is there an instant tracker or will...
  17. dperna

    schooling fish

    its not a wet/dry just a plain sump with the berlin in it, the demensions are: L 16 1/2" x W 20" x D 15 1/2"
  18. dperna

    schooling fish

    sorry if thats not enough info(about the live rock lbs/sump gallons, this is a complete used tank that i got from a friend for a very good price. i could find out a little later in the day what the sump can hold
  19. dperna

    schooling fish

    Originally Posted by saltn00b do you have a healthy thick sand bed? how much LR do you have? what size sump if any? fuge? skimmer? possibly you could be ok with 2 smaller species type of wrath and the other three in a tank that size, but IMO you would be stocked at that point. I have aprox 2...
  20. dperna

    schooling fish

    so a fish only tank with maroon clown lemonpeel angel blackback butterfly and 3 filamented flasher wrasse would be too much? if so would it work with 2 of them? thanks :thinking: