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  1. daboys

    New guy needs help

    I just want to know if Im feeding them too much? I also have the fishtank about a foot away from my window (does not get direct sun light) is that too close?
  2. daboys

    New guy needs help

    I am new to saltwater fish. I feed my fish twice a day. 10gal tank 6 small fish and 2 anemones.
  3. daboys

    Need help with high level of phosphate.

    Its 55 gal i have 5 damsels, lot of snails and crabs, 2 shrooms and 3 starfish. ph 8.2 no anomonia, nitrite 0,nitrate0 and salinity is 1.028.
  4. daboys

    ick question?

    Does high levels of salt bring ick to the fish? I am just wondering.
  5. daboys

    Need help with high level of phosphate.

    All other water parameters are ok but my phosphate and nitrate are high. What do you recommend to lower.
  6. daboys

    Tank size any suggestions

    I have a 55 gal saltwater tank with alot of problems. I am considering on upgrading to about 125 gal tank. Any suggestions if that is a good idea and WHY?
  7. daboys

    ICK problem

    I am having big trouble with ICK all water parameters are good and temp is good at 80. Any suggestions
  8. daboys

    150 Gallon Setup FS New Jersey

    Give some time for the monies and also can you email me some pictures of the items that are included or address to see the items in person. Email Address I am strongly interested.
  9. daboys

    150 Gallon Setup FS New Jersey

    How do you accept payment. I live in Union Beach.
  10. daboys

    150 Gallon Setup FS New Jersey

    I am interested in the tank if you havn't sold yet.
  11. daboys

    phoshate question

    How do you lower the phoshate?
  12. daboys


    What are phosphates, I know stupid question.
  13. daboys

    Red Algae

    My tank is 55gal PH 8.2, Copper.05,Nitrate 20,Nitrite 0, Alm 0, salinity 1.024. Also lighting 3 40watt of VHO. What is the reason for Red Algae and any suggestions on how to cure my tank of this.
  14. daboys

    Help Red Algae

    Can I have some advice on how to get rid of red algae in a small portion of the tank? Help
  15. daboys

    Identify these corals

    Thanks for the input and info.
  16. daboys


    Thanks you have been such a big help. I will research this problem.
  17. daboys

    Identify these corals

    Can anyone identify these soft corals. A:IMG_0058.jpg
  18. daboys


    Salinty is 1.024 ph 8.2 temp 80degrees LR/LS the tank has been set up 1 1/2 years. The lighting is 3 -40watt VHO and I use tap water. And also the reddish is on a small patch on the bottom of the tank.
  19. daboys


    The only thing I have added which is new is a bunch of cleaners (30snails,20hermit crabs,2 brittle stars) I think after adding these cleaners i started getting the reddish algae. Is it harmful?
  20. daboys


    The reddish looks like red dust. Salinty is 1.024 ph 8.2 temp 80degrees LR/LS the tank has been set up 1 1/2 years. Also I wanna identify these new soft corals that i don't know their name. I need to find out how to attach pictures to my post. Thanks for quick response.