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  1. maddesthatter

    Pom Pom crab

    Originally Posted by pete43 I have a pom pom and I've only seen him about 3 times but I have a video of him goin across some liverock,leave your e-mail and I'll send it your way so long-Pete
  2. maddesthatter

    Live Rock Pricing Reasonable?

    Originally Posted by Beatlesfan Also the live rock with die-off will start the cycle for you and will cure during the cycle. It's easier and cheaper. well then i guess i know where i am buying my live rock from lol.
  3. maddesthatter

    Pom Pom crab

    Originally Posted by DeMartini I see mine all the time. He is so cute! next time I see them I'm going to buy another. lol answer my question then meanie. do they require a reef and anenomes? do they really come out and wave their pom poms around? lol its seems like everyone is saying you never...
  4. maddesthatter

    Pom Pom crab

    Originally Posted by alyssia I just got three hoping that I would get to see at least one of them more, but it didn't work. Do they require a reef? And anenomes? Do they really run around waving anenome clippings at things lol?
  5. maddesthatter

    Mimic Tang

    Originally Posted by NEreef there are different species of mimic tangs. they are called this because they have evolved to look like dwarf angels, which have opercular spines and are fairly mean. this helps the tangs avoid predation. Wow thats pretty crazy. Thank you for the info!
  6. maddesthatter

    Mimic Tang

    Why exactly do they call it such? Does it change colors or something? Ive always wondered.
  7. maddesthatter

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt That must be quite the sight! I have 5 dogs, so a Subaru wouldn't quite cut it for me, not even a Forrester. Two of my dogs are pretty big, an Aussie and a lab, Basset Hound, ShiTzu,and Chihuahua. City miles are hard miles, 22 mpg probably isn't too bad? I...
  8. maddesthatter

    Can Anybody Add To My List?

    What about Puffers in that tank? Would a puffer be okay in that species list? or no. Also I was just looking at a Flying Fish they have here on this website...does anybody have any compatibility lists on those guys?
  9. maddesthatter

    Think It's A Good Idea/Deal?

    Originally Posted by mandarin w Yes, lots of rock in the sump. That would help to make it a fuge. It will help alot with the filtration. IMO the best way to go. In my opinion the only way to have too much rock in your system, is too have the bottom fall out of the tank, Then you may have...
  10. maddesthatter

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt I know the feeling, I don't think that I have completly filled up my Tahoe since I bought her in 2003. But living here with the Alaskan eliments, I can't see downgrading to a smaller vehicle. I carry my children, my dogs, etc, and I want the safest thing...
  11. maddesthatter

    Can Anybody Add To My List?

    Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k get a pinktail trigger and a powder blue or powder brown tang What about any of these? Achilles Chevron Clown Palani And would a tang be okay in a tank with a Lionfish?
  12. maddesthatter

    Can Anybody Add To My List?

    Originally Posted by Sharkboy13 ditch the trigger dude, most will get real nasty, just like teenagers. coris wrasse will need a bigger tank no doubt, well with those two gone id put in a desjardini sailfin as they are beautiful and can easily hold their own. oh duhr u need a lion go w/ a...
  13. maddesthatter

    Does Sex Determine Life Longevity

    Do female fish live longer than males? Like tarantulas.... or does that not matter.
  14. maddesthatter

    Can Anybody Add To My List?

    Okay: 1 Snowflake Eel 1 Emperor Angel 1 Red Coris Wrasse 1 Humu Humu or Assassi Trigger? 180g tank...any other suggestions on what can go in with these guys and would compliment them.
  15. maddesthatter

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    I remember when it was like 1.57 a gallon :(. I spend about 28 bucks every week and a half filling up. :(
  16. maddesthatter

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Before I took out my piercings. My great dane puppy Thor, when I first got him. My sister and I on her wedding day. Medusa. Poecilotheria Metallica One of my tattoos.
  17. maddesthatter

    Cuddle Fish/ Octopus

    What size tank would I need to provide for a single Bimac Octo?
  18. maddesthatter

    Live Rock Pricing Reasonable?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 They can be and are beneficial as long as kept in check. Noted and stored.
  19. maddesthatter

    Live Rock Pricing Reasonable?

    Originally Posted by astross89 You Can Cure The Rock In Your Tank If It Is New. How so if I may ask?
  20. maddesthatter

    Live Rock Pricing Reasonable?

    Only thing with the LFS is ill have to buy like 30lbs at a time so it will prolong my cycling process.