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  1. sethspst

    Damsels beware!

    I thought I would share this because of all the damsel terroizing tank stories. I've had my 75 gllon for about 3 months, and my wife loves the way blue damsels look. I really didn't want to get one after reading about how they can be tank terrors. But after looking at diffent fish prices and...
  2. sethspst

    vacation in Honolulu

    There's a nice fish store off Kalakau Ave called Aquatic World. It's small but they have real good looking fish and they have a Display tank with seahorses and some other stuff. Another good store is Coral Fish Hawaii in Aiea. There are some good spots up on the North Shore to snorkel, better...
  3. sethspst

    Atlantis Submarine

    Are you going to rent a car? If you do, Hanama Bay is okay but Shark's Cove up on the North Shore is unreal. It's called sharks cove because of the shape.
  4. sethspst

    bad hydrometers

    I lost a cleaner shrimp cause my hydro was .006 low. I was reading 1.024 and when the shrimp died I took him and a water sample back to the store. They refunded my money because I bought the hydro from them even though technially it was my fault he died (or I killed him?).
  5. sethspst

    What's the worst aquarium related smell you've experienced?

    so you cycled your pool with a dead bird?
  6. sethspst

    Strange growth on Fin

  7. sethspst

    Strange growth on Fin

    Those pics are from the main tank. I've been feeding him formula 2 flakes and trying to get him interested in algae sheets. He loves to eat the frozen mysis and brine soaked in vita-chem that I feed the other fish. He's only about 3" long. I haven't tried garlic, and I know the LFS runs copper...
  8. sethspst

    Strange growth on Fin

    I got a lemonpeel angel about 2 weeks ago and he's got a stange bump on his fin. it looks like a yellow bubble on the top of his fin. He eats fine, swims around, but I've seen him scratch some and the bubble has gotten somewhat larger. amm, trite, trate all tested 0. ph is at 8.3. my SG is...
  9. sethspst

    how do you acclimate crabs?

    To be honest I just threw some in onetime because I was heading out the door, and they did fine.
  10. sethspst

    Help Please

    If your using a hydrometer, have your salinty checked by someone else to see if they get the same reading.
  11. sethspst

    All Lemonpeels Welcome!!!

    I just got mine and he's only about 1 1/2 - 2". Right now all I've got to feed him is brine and mysis soaked with vita-chem and he's eating it. I'm going tomorrow to get some Formula 2 and algae sheets. I can't get a pic cause he's not still enough.
  12. sethspst

    Water changes how much % do you do?

    I do a 15%-20% every other week.
  13. sethspst

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    I just learned that hydrometers suck. I lost my cleaner shrimp that I had for less than 2 days because of false readings. At least the LFS gave me a store credit for another cleaner shrimp because they sold me the hydrometer.
  14. sethspst

    protein skimmer for a 10 gal??

    Have you thought about making your own? There is a Nano forum website that has some good DIY threads for building a small protein skimmer.
  15. sethspst

    new fish

    I break out a flashlight sometimes to look for my fish.
  16. sethspst

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Wish I didn't think I had learned something new. I got ICK and started treating my DT with copper. I got all my hermits and snails out, then a week later I was trying to catch a fish and found a snail in there that was still alive, so I figured maybe copper wasn't bad. I put 1 hermit in and he...
  17. sethspst

    OK I know alot of you do it so lets hear fish names.

    My wife named the clownfish Nemo of course. And my shrimps name is popcorn.
  18. sethspst

    Water Change Process

    I just pump the water into my sump and let my return pump send it up to the tank. then when the return pump catches up to the extra water in the sump, I'll start my overflow drain again.
  19. sethspst

    whats a good inexpensive powerhead?

    I'd say Maxijet 900. M1200 only pushes 65gph more than the 900, but the 1200 uses twice the amount of power.
  20. sethspst

    she is awesome

    I've had to tell my wife several times "we have to wait until the tank cycles to get more fish". She already has a list of what she wants next. We've had our 75 a month and she already saw a 125L that she likes more. The key is to tell them "we need a bigger tank for that fish"