Search results

  1. justyn

    Catching Damsels

    put a tight piece of dried coral or barnacles in the tank and see if the make home. If they do like mine did, they will defend it. So, when you stick your hand in the tanks, the frisky little damsels with run to their home to defend it. That's when you remove the decor from the tank with them...
  2. justyn

    once a month deal

    How much of a water change do you do? Almost sounds like a recycle.
  3. justyn

    yellow tang losing color

    A helping of broccoli will cure all vitamin deficiencies. Not a long term cure because it gets messy but you'll be amazed with the color change of the fish after a week of eating some greens.
  4. justyn

    Is there something wrong with my hippo tang?

    I agree 100% with big Dave. More veggies! Seaweed selects are excellent but first for a few days I would but in a small piece of broccoli and let the tang eat the flowerets off.
  5. justyn

    To Air or Not to Air, that is the Question!

    Even if you have a million power heads circulating your tank, the best thing you can do for your tank is to have one power head break the water surface tension on top. Putting a little bubbles in won't hurt but sometimes the fish have trouble distinguishing food from air if it's too much.
  6. justyn

    Seattle area anyone

    It's on Aurora (HWY 99) between 145th and 155th). Nice place, small, expensive, but they have healthy fish.
  7. justyn

    Tang problems

    I did the same thing and didn't have any problems what so ever with the regal I have. Actually, I didn't have any problems with any of my fish except after a week the yellow tang started to get frisky. What I did was put the Yellow in the hospital tank I have for about two weeks (same water...
  8. justyn

    Seattle area anyone

    Sure, there are few good ones around. Post your email or email me at my address and I'll tell you about them.
  9. justyn

    Seattle area anyone

    Sure, there are few good ones around. Post your email or email me at my address and I'll tell you about them.
  10. justyn

    Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!

    Yes, Mr Salty. The one I picked up is same exact except the body color is the same as the top and lower fin of the pic you posted. And as with this one there isn't a teardrop marking on the body. I took pictures today. Now I have got to get them developed and scanned. I hope the pics i took show...
  11. justyn

    Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!

    dasnake03, the fish i bought is definately not just an achilles tang. Yes, i have seen many adult achilles tangs and this one does not have the same shape nor color markings. It has the same color markings as the pic Mr Salty posted except this one is not as dark blue, Actually it is more brown...
  12. justyn

    Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!

    No didn't really pay that much. It was $74. I'm going to try to get a pic soon but I don't have a dig camera so I got to do it the old fashion way, take a pic, develope the film, then scan.
  13. justyn

    To protein skim or not?

    Definately skim after the cycle. I have a Prizm for an 80 gal tank and it works fine. It maybe a little under skimmed but my water quality is fine so I haven't worried about it much.
  14. justyn

    Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!

    Mr. Salty. I was showing my girfriend the pic you posted on the Hybrid you were looking for and said to her "I want one of these fish too". She's into fish too but definately not like I am. Anyway she said "oh yea i saw one of them ot the LFS near my house, arn't they pretty". I said "what...
  15. justyn

    reef tank safe @ 80 degrees?

    Hey gabbysreef, what ever you do, DON'T cut the back out. It will not make your temp go down much. Heat rises as we all know and will just only seep out the side. Best bet is to get a fan. When i put my metals on, I installed a fan in the canopy and the water temp didn't raise a single...
  16. justyn

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    It's crazy crazy crazy but......nothing beats the satisfaction when your able to step back and enjoy your accomplishment by having a small piece of the sea's beauty in your livingroom. About 3K into it so far. 80 gal glass wet dry Prizm protein skimmer Mag 350 canister 2 175w metal Hal's 2 40w...
  17. justyn

    chocolate chip starfish

    I don't have one and but what I have always heard was that they were one of the most agressive of starfish. But......then I came across this site which says they are reef safe.??? I guess you can try to see for yourself but do you want to take the...
  18. justyn

    two types of tangs ?

    I've got a yellow, purple, hippo, and powder blue tang all in an 80g tank. At first, when each one of them was introduced, they were outcasted by the others for a day or two. Now, they all live in harmony and actually pal-o-round together. I just made sure each has it's own hiding place in the...
  19. justyn

    Yellow Tang with small red blotches

    I had the same problem with my two yellow tangs and i got rid of it by feeding them broccoli and mixing their brime shimp with ZOE supplement. It was gone in a week! It also cured their latteral line
  20. justyn

    Who has the best reef tank setup here>?

    Who has the best reef tank you ask? That's an easy one. It's that guy who made the oceans. What's his name again....humm...oh yea... God! (or whom ever you believe or don't believe in)