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  1. vampirexevipex

    Inedible hair algae?

    None of the above, also, silverado... wont a week without light kill all the corals and zoas? Planning on making an algae scrubber tho
  2. vampirexevipex

    Inedible hair algae?

    No direct sunlight, the lights are LED, they're on for aproximately 10 hours, two of those completely dark blue light. I've been doing water changes for this past months and taking out as much as possible by hand... I might have to buy some hermits and snails. In the meantime, is there another...
  3. vampirexevipex

    Inedible hair algae?

    Alkalinity is 10, haven't tried activated carbon since they say it leaches phosphates and yes,I have a protein skimmer. Also for the cuc I only have the Sea hare above, the lettuce slug and in the sump i have alot of feather dusters to clean up the excess particles, plus some oysters and clams.
  4. vampirexevipex

    Inedible hair algae?

    Hello! (I'm not sure this is the right forum btw....) I've been having this hair algae problem for months! I've had hair algae before and I seemed to keep it under control with my foxface and sea hares. Everything went well until 5 months ago, this new hair algae came up and not even the sea...
  5. vampirexevipex

    All feather dusters changing crown colors to white

    Hello! it's been awhile since I last posted here. So this started happening after a hair algae explosion: I have no idea what happened, I had them for a year, and now, when hair algae started taking over, they changed crowns, they lost all their colors, turned white with purple dots and now...
  6. vampirexevipex

    Some type of soft coral

    Hello! I recently bought this soft coral, but when the worker told me it's name i was in a trance (lol, i was thinking of something else, even though i did understand the name but i forgot). So can anyone identify it? Its that kind of polyp that opens and closes to make water flow through it and...
  7. vampirexevipex

    Coral has not drawn out it's polyps

    Hellooooo! It's been awhile since i last posted (also the slug on my profile picture died lol), so i came here to see if anyone knows whats wrong with my coral (also i need ID as i forgot it's name), he hasn't drawn out his polyps 3 days after we increased the lighting (we needed more light as...
  8. vampirexevipex

    Peanut worm?

    Well not in here (Puerto Rico), anyways is it a peanut worm?
  9. vampirexevipex

    Peanut worm?

    Hello! Yesterday i went to the beach i gathered some rocks for my tank. When i got home, i broke a rock in two and found this thing. It looks like a peanut worm but im not sure. Anyways here it is:
  10. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    How you know I have gathered fish from other oceans? I found the parrotfish at a local beach dying of parasites, so I took care of him without noticing how big he was gonna get...
  11. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    Well since my last post.... the sponge is growing and my zoas are irrated (3 died ;~;) and the sponges are taking all over the place the sponge even grows on other plants!!! CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME A SOLUTION!?! also.... why kill the parrotfish? :c
  12. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    Its baby parrotfishy :> its a 55 gallon tank, as soon as he starts to grow we will release him. :D
  13. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    I know about the aiptasia, thats a Warty anemone, i got 3 others: 2 Corkscrew anemone and a strangely weird green colored Banded Tube Dwelling-Anemone. They are just fine, my parrotfish keeps them from reproducing and my other fish don't get bothered by them.
  14. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    Uhmmm bad or good? :p
  15. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    The Zoas are the things under the cirlce, while the tubes are the arrow pointed WTF's: The White Tubes are the THINGZ under the cirlce:
  16. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    ...Aaaand how do i get rid of this white tubes?
  17. vampirexevipex

    Weird white tubes near zoas

    Hello! Months ago i bought some zoanthids and most of them died because they fell of the branch they where at and got lost either between rocks or the anemones got them. Right now, months later i have 6 of the surviving zoas and... where the other where at (the ones that died) there is some...
  18. vampirexevipex

    Zoanthids suddenly not opening and starting to whiten

    The temperature is 82 (This type of zoanthid lives at tropical regions so it can be at temperatures ranging from 73 to 85), specific gravity is 1.023, phosphate is less than 1, and ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and everything else is perfect except for calcium (i lost the test kit :c ). Also the Zoa...
  19. vampirexevipex

    Zoanthids suddenly not opening and starting to whiten

    Hello i had a orange-brown colored White Encrusting Zoanthid (im a beginner) in a quarantine tank for 15 days and it was growing (it grew 6 inches :D) and living happily but when i transfered it to the normal tank, it started to whiten and not opening, heres a pic: Also, i noticed some kind of...