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  1. vampirexevipex

    clown wrasse?

    Nope its not a clown wrasse, just by looking at the fins, you can clearly see its a juvenile bluehead wrasse. This is a male adult bluehead. They are hermaphrodites, and hard to care for if no sufficient space. He MIGHT stay like that until you find another one, then he becomes the colorful...
  2. vampirexevipex

    Cultivating phytoplankton

    Hello people, I'm cultivating some phytoplankton (Lighting 16 hrs, Water flowing) and i got some questions. Once you dose the plankton food (micro algae grow), do they need any more food? If so, how often should i feed them? Or they just live with the lighting and that's it? Ps.: I doubt this is...
  3. vampirexevipex

    My wrasses are dying?

    The french angel is a juvenile, its aprox. like 3 inches. Its currently in a QT (10 gal). I talked to my LFS he said the blueheads where sick because of the space they need... its been in the QT for about a week, and i dont know if i should move him to the 55 gal tank because he was sick when we...
  4. vampirexevipex

    My wrasses are dying?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid To me it looks like a bacteria infection not parasites. Also agree with Snake always check prams in QT daily. These are smaller tanks and not often used, prams can change quickly. My Parms. are ok, and the fish keep getting worst: Also i noticed that my...
  5. vampirexevipex

    My wrasses are dying?

    Hello, i all started with a simple fight between my bluehead wrasse and some dusky damselfish, my wrasse got injured so i moved him to the hospital tank with some other wrasses recently caught. Later he started developing some purple patches and fast breathing. He stayed in the hospital tank...
  6. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy Just a warning - Many Trunkfish excrete a potent toxin when severly stressed. This toxin will only affect fish but it's potent enough to kill all fish in the tank including the Trunkfish. Yes i know that... anyway isn't that kind of stupid? lol
  7. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy looks a bit like a Trunkfish. FINALLY FOUND IT! Its a juvenile smooth trunkfish. Thanks!
  8. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    Here are the pics of the "Thingy": I dont think you'll see it here. As i said: MAH CAMERA SUCKS TAKING PHOTOS OF SMALL THINGYS!
  9. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 why is it on your carpet? LOL, you had to ask that... uhmm well... None of your business :P .Can someone look at the fish instead of the carpet? lol Well... since it was the brightest part of the house, uhmm well i had the awkward idea to put it there to...
  10. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    No, it actually has all fins and no snail appearance also has eyes and big lips. Its totally a fish (It has all its fins except the dorsal and the pelvic fin, and swims really fast). On the upper left you'll see a drawing that i made, because my camera sucks at taking photos of small things.
  11. vampirexevipex

    Another unknow fish caught :P

    Hello, i dont normaly ask for people to identify fish for me but... this fish, i cannot find it anywhere on the internet! Its hard like a piece of coral (Shrimp tried to eat it twice, but failed) and less than a inch long. I accidentally caught it at North of Puerto Rico (I live there) and...
  12. vampirexevipex

    Unknown fish caught

    I caught it at a nearby rocky beach, north of the island of Puerto Rico. I looked some information about them and found out that they are very common at the Atlantic Ocean and that's where i found him.
  13. vampirexevipex

    Unknown fish caught

    Thanks guys! a Blue Caribbean tang is what it is, anyway can it live in peace with clown fish?
  14. vampirexevipex

    Unknown fish caught

    Hello! Yesterday i caught a fish thinking it was a yellow tang, but it turned out to be something else ( The shape, eye color and fin shape was slightly different ). Heres a sharper version of the image...