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  1. jmcnaz


    what size tank and at what temp. do u keep it at? thanks, jmcnaz
  2. jmcnaz


    they need 2b target feed, also they are low light med-high water flow animals. if u can get it 2 eat it start 2 grow again. they dont do well in capt. gl, jmcnaz
  3. jmcnaz


    alot of money!!!!!!!!!!! bigger tank, mh lights, maybe power compacts, alot better filtration, get rid of those pebbles, get either sand or nothing for the bottom. get rid of the bubbler. gl, jmcnaz
  4. jmcnaz

    What Should I feed this coral?

    sounds right 2 me but its frogspawn
  5. jmcnaz

    Help, Problem with corals

    its alot harder to keep corals in a 10 gal tank than say 80-100 gal tank, i think this only the start of many more problems too come. what kind of filter system r u using, the temp of the water r u using r/o or tap water? jmcnaz
  6. jmcnaz

    Marine Betta Questions?

    although alot of people say ist ok in a 55g i would recomend at least a 90 or more. gl, jmcnaz
  7. jmcnaz

    How many more tangs can I fit in a 20 gal tank

    1st i dont think your tanks big enough for 2 tangs that size 2nd i think tangs get very territoral i believe it would stress one or the other. gl, jmcnaz
  8. jmcnaz


    should be fine, but i would rinse with fresh water first unless u want want ever is on the rock to stay alive. under the conditions u describe all u will get it alot of algae. gl, jmcnaz
  9. jmcnaz

    keep hearing clicking

    unless u been losing fish its not a mantis, no doubt in my mind thats it a pistol shrimp, should fine. gl, jmcnaz
  10. jmcnaz

    HYPO not going well! help !!!

    not much diff in salt. sometimes u may have to treat tank more than once, but try a copper treatment make sure u use enough treatment because if u dont the ick could be ammune to it. gl, jmcnaz
  11. jmcnaz

    Red slime on sand

    might be natural part of algae cycle. gl jmcnaz
  12. jmcnaz


    As long as the rock hasnt been sitting out of water until all is dead, there can be ride-alongs. I've had stuff pop out have a year or so. good luck, jmcnaz
  13. jmcnaz

    Somthing other than live rock?

    what kind of lighting do u have, be specific?
  14. jmcnaz

    Extreme newbie!

    and a lot of money and mistakes.
  15. jmcnaz

    need advice please

    the bubble looks like an algae. I think both are 2 young to tell right now jmcnaz
  16. jmcnaz

    So Very Confused

    pls send some pic or describe the purple stuff and white puffy stuff. should be doing changes of 10% once a week for about 8-12 months. check water right before the change. if u plan on keeping corals in your tank get an r/o with di system. dont wash your rock aND DONT ADD ANY live stock...
  17. jmcnaz


    does anyone use or have used a 1/3hp current usa prime tower? I would like to know your thoughts, comments on this chiller. thanks, jmcnaz :happyfish