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  1. icon83

    Frogspawn problem

    I got a small frogspawn a few weeks ago and it was doing fine up until recently...The other day i noticed that it wasn't inflating as much. I decided to move it a little closer to the light but it didn't help. Now it is totally deflated and is coming out of its shell. It looks like it is dead...
  2. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Anyone?? Help with my algae problem would be greatly appriciated... :cheer:
  3. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Alright guys, thanks for the advise we are about 2 and a half weeks later and the mini-cycle is now complete! My numbers are reading perfectly now.... Ammonia:0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:20 I know I gotta get that Nitrate out with some water changes, but I'm just glad the crazy ammo...
  4. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    My fuge has about a 3.5" sandbed and LR with algae
  5. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Would the lights on the fuge have an effect on the speed of the cycle at all?? I usually put on the fuge lights when I turn off the lights in the DT...Would keeping them on longer do anything?? Or should I not turn them on at all??
  6. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Well that didn't go to well... I guess the pink I was seeing was just wishful thinking... I went in there to touch it and it basically disintergrated... The remains are now down the toilet...OH WELL, I'll get over it... Thanks for makin me come to terms with reality... I hope the Shrooms...
  7. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    It isn't all black...I still see some pink on the inside...any hope?? I would hate to remove it if there is even a slight chance of survival...I love that coral!!!
  8. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    No, unfortunetly I used some copper in there on the hippo so I had to empty it out... What I was thinking is... I get some water and a piece of rock from an established tank in a LFS, move my corals in there and use a spare PC light I have. Would I still have a problem because of the lack of...
  9. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Originally Posted by Laddy You'd probably be better off asking the LFS to host your corals until the cycle was complete than puting them in a bucket. Didn't see that suggestion when I wrote the one before this...not a bad idea... I wasn't gonna keep them in the bucket just use that water to put...
  10. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    hmm...what if i purchase a new piece of LR from one of their established tanks, and put it in with the corals?? Any other suggestions?? Or is all hope lost?!?
  11. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    I see....what do u think of this idea... What if I go to my LFS and ask them for a bucket of water from one of their tanks...then take it home and acclimate my corals into that water and let them stay in there with a powerhead for circulation until the cycle is over?? Sorry, I am just thinkin of...
  12. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Do you think I should unplug my protein skimmer? I'm not sure but it seems like it is best to keep as much of the bacteria as possible and not try to remove it though skimming. Just a thought...
  13. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    ok maybe it isn't a curse... thanks for taking the time to help me...I had no idea that cutting off the flow overnight could start a new cycle. So what is the best thing to do at this point? Should I stop with the water changes? Do you think my corals have any hope of making it...
  14. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    Oh, I should probably note that I tested the water I use for changes prior to putting it in my tank and there is no ammonia.
  15. icon83

    Is my tank cursed??

    :help: I am not a religious person but I am beginning to believe that my tank is cursed. I have a 75g reef tank with a 29g sump/refugium that is filled to around 18g. I estimate that there is about 90g in my system. The tank has been up and running for about 3 months and has cycled. I had a...
  16. icon83

    False Ammonia Reading?

    Thanks Alyssia...nobody else has any ideas??
  17. icon83

    False Ammonia Reading?

    I should also note that my corals all look very upset. My mushrooms arent open, my devil's hand leather is limp and dark, my zoos are all closed, and my star polyps are hiding. :notsure: This all happened after my last water change when I added the ammo-lock. Before this, everything was...
  18. icon83

    False Ammonia Reading?

    A few days ago, I added Ammo-Lock to my tank. Before I added it, I was getting a reading of about .25 I used the Ammo-Lock, and did a partial water change, and now my ammonia reading are literally off the chart!! It is really scary to see a dark shade of green in the test tube. All of my...
  19. icon83

    panther grouper starving himself!!

    oh well...he just died Guess it wasn't meant to be....I am still curious though...if anyone has kept a panther grouper, what do you feed him?? Is he an active eater??
  20. icon83

    panther grouper starving himself!!

    Hey guys...I need some help :help: ...I got a small panther grouper about 3 weeks ago. My tank is fairly new and I only have one other fish, a damsel. I also have some crabs and snails. My pH is 8.0, there is a small amount of ammonia, and a small amount of nitrate that I'm workin on gettin rid...