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  1. n2deep

    emergency help w/ new bubble tip anemone

    Try adding a sponge filter to the power head. This will disperse the suction and lessen the threat of killing the anemone.
  2. n2deep

    What is this?

    Phos are low and has not ever tested above .4. It is not hair algae it is very stiff and short and will not scrub off.
  3. n2deep

    What is this?

    This tank and Rock I got from a friend. He let the tank get away from him. This algae is very course and short. Like turf carpeting. I even took the rock out and scrubbed it and it would not come off.The phos and nitrates have always been very low(only two small fish) . I think the bulbs were...
  4. n2deep

    What is this?

    What type of Algae is this and how do I get rid of it?
  5. n2deep


    I have a 140 gal aggressive tank. Huge puffer, 2 six inch triggers,wrasse and a tang. I have been adding all the supplements to try to promote the coralline algae on the live rock. The fish seems to be eating more than its growing. I am fighting a loosing battle. Has anybody had any luck with...
  6. n2deep

    source water

    I have a 140 gal aggressive tank. Huge puffer, 2 six inch triggers,wrasse and a tang. I have been adding all the supplements to try to promote the coralline algae on the live rock. The fish seems to be eating more than its growing. I am fighting a loosing battle. Has anybody had any luck with...
  7. n2deep


    I think the best trigger would be one that is not very hungry;)
  8. n2deep


    150 gal
  9. n2deep


    Are Bird Wrasse and Saddleback wrasse compatible?
  10. n2deep

    Warning! ! ! ! ! !

    Keeferno, Sorry for your loss. I agree that power head BLOWS!! I got suckered too. You should let Zoo med know what happend and see if they have the balls to do anything about it!! Good Luck
  11. n2deep

    test pic

  12. n2deep

    test pic

  13. n2deep

    DIY Hang On skimmer

    Any body have a link to any information on DIY hang on skimmers
  14. n2deep

    mexican turbo snails

    any good suggestions besides elbow grease to keep a tank clean
  15. n2deep

    mexican turbo snails

    Anybody have any luck with turbos in a agressive set up?
  16. n2deep

    Won Bros Skimmer?

    Anybody have any positive or negative info on these skimmers?
  17. n2deep

    cutting acrylic question

    Use a blade with as many teeth you can afford. Like 180 tooth. Also you MUST put masking tape on both sides of the board at the cut sight.. This helps keep the heat down so it doesn't melt the acrylic back togerther again. I found out the hard way and tried to use a jig saw without tape and it...
  18. n2deep

    Bonding Acrylic

    I would look in the phone book under plastic and buy some weld on Acrylic cement #16. If you use this you will have no worries. If you need me to send u some drop me a reply.
  19. n2deep

    Adding Live Rock

    MY lfs has very nice live rock. I doubt if it is fully cured. Would it be bad to add about 10 pounds at a time in a 140 gal fish only tank
  20. n2deep

    RO/DI questions

    i just purchase a holding tank from them. I am going to plump it to my fridge so i can have R/O ice and water straight out of the door of my fridge. :p