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  1. n2deep

    RO/DI questions

    they also have great prices on replacement filters and membranes.
  2. n2deep

    RO/DI questions

    i have the typhoon 1 and it ROCKS. it is a awesome unit. as for quality it is as good as anything out there. They also have GREAT
  3. n2deep

    PVC cement

    I was in a pinch once and need to repair a return pipe. Waited 30 min and put it back into service, But this was a fish only system.
  4. n2deep

    buying ro/di sells 100 Gallons per day REEF special RO/DI systems for $139.00. I have one and it ROCKS!!!!! Walter the owner knows more about water than anyone I have ever meet and is in business to stay in business!! He is a STAND UP guy. Buy from him and u will not regret it. Has ALL...
  5. n2deep


    Whats the difference in installing a wall plugin GFCI for $6 rather than spending the 30 to 40 bucks for one with a 18inch cord attached to it?
  6. n2deep

    Live Rock

    I bought some LR from a LFS and it looks pretty Awesome- but who knows if its really cured or not. My question is parts of the rock is turning white is this a sign of it dying off and is there something I can do to help it thrive?
  7. n2deep

    Water containers

    Need to know what would be good to age water in? I have a 150 Gal tank and would like to use one large container and one Powerhead to circulate and age the water. I need something that will hold over 35 gallons.
  8. n2deep

    What LOA Model?

    Hey Gregzbobo, Just got back from Home Depot on N.W. Expressway and they have a BANG LOAD of these lights!! Just remember you are going to have add a cord to the light. Let me know if you go get one.
  9. n2deep

    Power Sweep Powerhead

    Just got one today. NO WAY in the world it moves 270GPH. Anybody else tried these?
  10. n2deep

    Red Slime Algea is starting to take over my sandbed

    Are snails OK to have with Puffers and triggers? or will they eat them?
  11. n2deep


    Besides water changes- what is the best way to keep them down? Protein skimming?Denitrate media? Live Rock? any other ideas?
  12. n2deep

    Pics of my 10 gallon Nano

    WOW!!!Tank looks AWESOME!!!! Its unreal what some of u guys can do!!!
  13. n2deep

    Skimmer setup question

    It seems that it would be easy to make a overflow box, but I dont understand the concept that the siphon tube and return flow from the pump will equal in amount of flow. What gives?
  14. n2deep

    Skimmer setup question

    How do you install a sump on a running tank?
  15. n2deep

    Skimmer setup question

    I would like to add a good quality skimmer to my tank. I would really like to have one that can be installed underneath. The problem is that I don't have a under tank filter system or sump. Is there a way I can set up a skimmer that is not a hang on type?
  16. n2deep

    Do I really need R/ODI system?

    Makes sense. Thanks for your help.
  17. n2deep

    Do I really need R/ODI system?

    Just checked my good old tap water as follows: Ammonia 1 PPM Nitrate 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm pH 8.6 I just have a fish only system right now and may soon add some live rock. My local water is pretty hard but is that going to effect my tank much? If i use chems to remove Ammonia, Chlorine and...
  18. n2deep

    R/O-DI systems

    Steamboat, What kind and size tanks do you run?
  19. n2deep

    R/O-DI systems

    When you use the unit how do u store the good water while its made? Can you set it up to drain into a large tub?
  20. n2deep

    DIY Plywood Tank

    Javatech your tank ROCKS!!!