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  1. smickied

    Vacation troubles, and need some help!

    I took a couple weeks vacation, and came home to a red slime epidemic!! I cleaned the tank (added Phosphate media, tested water, change it ect…), scrubbed the live rock, and the main algae problem is under control (for the most part). All my corals are fine, except my Zoo’s, some of them are...
  2. smickied

    Emerald Crabs

    I have two Emerald Crabs in my tank and they are very bold! They like to knock over coral and rocks in the tank (maybe on accident) and I have been pinched by one while fixing their undoing. But, they are good cleaners if you can deal with a little destruction.
  3. smickied

    I have an invader!?! Help!

    It was very fine and hair like (as thick as pencil lead) , and seemed to be proding at the polyp. JUst something i've never noticed before and was concerened.
  4. smickied

    Please help Identify,,,Red algea

    I was getting ready to post the same question. If any help could help it would be a god send! My red algae is covering the glass and the sand in my tank. It is cont. to expand rapidly.
  5. smickied

    I have an invader!?! Help!

    While I was just staring at my tank I noticed this thing I don’t have a picture, but maybe some can help me identify my invader. Coming out of a small hole in my live rock a white worm (almost like a piece of thread) was reaching out and messing with (attacking?) one of my large polyps. Does...
  6. smickied

    Anemones who knows?

    I think I'll probley be holding off for a while with the BTA. If my tank wasn't so deep I might concerderd it.
  7. smickied

    Anemones who knows?

    Thanks for the help!
  8. smickied

    Anemones who knows?

    I was looking to add a bubble tip and a clown. currently i have verious zoos and other polops as well as some mushrooms nothing major. I wish i had the money right now for a better lighting system.. ... maybe next year.
  9. smickied

    Anemones who knows?

    I own a 29 gal bow front tank that is 18 inchs deep. I currently have about 25 lbs of your fiji rock and a 24 inch 130 watt CORALIFE aqualight and an aditional 15 watts of 50/50 lighting. My question is... Whar is this lighting cocirdered moderate, or strong? I want to buy an Anemone but i...
  10. smickied

    question question!!

    :notsure: I have heard for moderate lighting a power compact with 4-5 watts pergallon. I am still trying to solve the mistery myself!