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  1. chadman

    New Toy

    a 735?!?! i never heard of such a thing...if you wanna live and get a bmw then you have to get the m6 as for the 7 series go for the 760 my friend...
  2. chadman

    live copepods

    sweet! i am going to order maybe like 400 copepods from this site and hope they get in there and --- it up and make a lot of babies and make my mandarin a happy camper...haha
  3. chadman

    live copepods

    so you think the halimeda could work then?
  4. chadman

    live copepods

    we don't have a sump or fuge only display tank...
  5. chadman

    live copepods

    does chaeto need a lot of light to survive or could i tuck it in a back corner? we purchased some halimeda pods need chaeto or can they survive living in other plants?
  6. chadman

    live copepods

    you think a mandarin would eat 200-400 pods in a day or two?!?!?!
  7. chadman

    live copepods

    we do have around 100 pounds of live rock in the tank....i think he should be okay...we don't have chaeto but how about other algaes such as halimeda which we do have...will they grow in there? i was under the impression that copepods live in live sand and on live rock
  8. chadman

    6 fish/30gal

    you just have to stay on top of your water changes...i have a 30g with a very high bioload and no long as you don't over feed and you do weekly water changes you should be okay...
  9. chadman

    New Toy

    i had a jeep wrangler sahara which was just my fun car....they are great trucks but not the greatest to drive every day...what are you other vehicles? if you have another 4x4 then i would definately say go with the nissan or check out infinity g35's or on the other hand you could be patient and...
  10. chadman

    live copepods

    we purchased a blue mandarin yesturday and want to add some copepods just in case there isnt' enough to keep this guy happy...has anyone had any experiences with buying them from the internet? i saw on this site they are like 12 dollars for 200 and the drs site they are like 25 dollars for i...
  11. chadman

    Starfish Eating Pictures

    wow that is awsome!! do the starfish ever mess with your mushrooms that are attached to rocks?
  12. chadman


    you could try adding a natural cycle product which adds the bacteria and such to yoru tank...we cycled my gfriends 55g in a week or so using that product and the levels have been good ever since...
  13. chadman

    Test kit need some help or else i can't start my tank!!!

    agreed i would go ahead and set everything could always go to your lfs and buy a ammonia only test kit which shouldn't be too expensive and then you can have that test until you get all your stuff...
  14. chadman


    when i first set up my 30g it took 2-3 months of cycling before everything got to zeros....i didn't know what i was doing though and had added five fish the day after i initially put water in mytank...thanks lfs!!
  15. chadman

    Bucs sign Garcia... Get rights to Plummer...

    personally as an eagles fan i was rooting for the birds to drop mcnabb and keep garcia...mcnabb is the downfall of the organization....
  16. chadman

    yellow eyed kole tang question

    he is eating off of live rock and also taking pellets and flake food....he does not touch the seaweed clips though....
  17. chadman

    yellow eyed kole tang question

    the tang is in my g friends 55g that we set up like two months ago or less....we had a cleaner shrimp but he got eaten by i believe the hawkfish....there is a large fire shrimp though which has a cleaning station set up and he has literally been on top of that tang for a day or two cleaning at...
  18. chadman

    yellow eyed kole tang question

    the tang rather than having white lines down teh side like most of the kole tangs it rather had white spots all over it, they are in a definate pattern though which is what lead us to believe that that is just what itlooks like...but now it has developed larger brown spots...and he has become...
  19. chadman

    yellow eyed kole tang question

    how long do you dip the fish in freshwater in order to remove parasites?
  20. chadman

    yellow eyed kole tang question

    i have never actually checked though parameters of the water from the lfs i will if i ever purchase anything from them again as for acclimation...i sat the bag in a bowl of warm water to keep the temp right and then i dripped him for prolly an hour or so....transit time was like an hour....