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  1. qbnfreek

    Mandarin Goby

    Anyone have any Mandarin Gobies? What are you feeding them? Please help. thanks Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  2. qbnfreek


    Beautiful tank!! Beware of the sea apple!!! I have one just like yours and when he died he took everything with him, fish, corals, everything. Plus months worth of water changes to remove toxins!! Good luck with your nano!! Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  3. qbnfreek

    Malachite Green?

    It will destroy your reef. Look in to Stop parasite instead. I've used it and it works great!! P.S. use can even use it as a preventative to avoid ich. Good Luck! Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  4. qbnfreek

    New 29gl (pics)

    Nice tank. What are you using to get your rock so purple? Are you using Purple Up ? Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  5. qbnfreek

    Ideas for 30 gallon?

    Sounds like a great tank! I always sugguest a pistol shrimp if your going to have a watchman. They go together like a clown fish and and anemone. Good Luck Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  6. qbnfreek

    suggestions please (pic)

    Tank looks cool! Try looking into Tonga branch live rock, they tend to come in pretty cool shapes. Look forward to seeing more pictures! - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  7. qbnfreek

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Beautiful tank!!! Your Ricordia mushrooms are awsome, where did you get them? One last question what type of dry food are you feeding your fish and corals? - Good Luck with your tank!! -Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  8. qbnfreek

    Can I add a fish??

    GO FOR IT!!! Good Luck!- Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  9. qbnfreek

    toadstool mushroom... stressed or dying

    try moving him to higher in your tank. My toad stool use to like high light and moderate water flow!! Good Luck! - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  10. qbnfreek

    New Blue Hippo Tang Not Eating Prepared Foods

    Try Garlic soaks with Brine Shrimp, Hell is candy for fish. The garlic additive is also suppose to increase its appetite and help cure ich. Good Luck - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  11. qbnfreek

    injured hippo (disease forum?)

    I'ld look into "STOP PARASITE" by Tetra marin, just in case. I love my hippo too and wouldn't want any thing to hurt him either, P.S. I hear that the Garlic idea you had would be goo also., It's suppose to increase their appetites and also help with curing ich. Good luck - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  12. qbnfreek

    ID Please ( Pics)

    Looks like pretty cool sponge, I wounldn't worry! Good Luck - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles
  13. qbnfreek

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    RO water = Reverse osmosis water simply purer water
  14. qbnfreek

    24g Comming Back

    Your tank is beautiful, You may want to purchase some peppermint shrimp to help control an aptasia out break!!! Good Luck Qbnfreek- California
  15. qbnfreek

    cleaner or coral banded

    Debbie, sounds like you have a beautiful tank. The cleaner shrimp (skunk shriimp) would not only be a great addition of color and activity, but works as a great medic to prevent disease. I've read somewhere to purchase the small to medium size shrimp which tend to be more active towards...
  16. qbnfreek

    Ok, I am going to show off my tank

    Really nice tank!! Watch out with your damel, it might start attacking your coral when you least expect it!!