Search results

  1. saltyfish

    real dried coral for decoration FS

    I have lots of dried coral of verous kinds and colors all in good shape. The value of all of it is roughly $400 retail. If you want it, for whatever poupose, I'll let it go for alot less then that. Or if you want it and have something to trade that I need we can do that. Right now I'm looking...
  2. saltyfish

    new chat room come see

    I just found a chat room for Its on irc on the XNET server the room is simply, not sure if there is a or not but I just thought I'd pass the word around because it does seem to get too much trafic though there which is a shame. i use mirc if you get a copy...
  3. saltyfish chat room

    hay beth also is it ok to keep telling ppl about this room ? I'm just ttrying to let ppl know there is one
  4. saltyfish chat room

    melody its on irc its not at a web sight other then what you find as javairc which web sights have. its on the xnet server the room is if you go there you just type the room name in the top bar. I use mirc which is software version on my comp beth what do you think are you gonna check...
  5. saltyfish chat room

    i found out its a guy from this forum that is trying to start a chat room for
  6. saltyfish chat room

    ok but if its not yours whos is it? and why does have a chat room ?
  7. saltyfish chat room

    Hi all I'm not sure if this is alowed but I just found a chat room for Its on irc on the xnet server the room is simply, not sure if there is a or not but I just thought I'd pass the word around because it does seem to get too much trafic though there which...
  8. saltyfish chat room

    Hi all I'm not sure if this is alowed but I just found a chat room for Its on irc on the xnet server the room is simply, not sure if there is a or not but I just thought I'd pass the word around because it does seem to get too much trafic though there which...
  9. saltyfish chat room

    Hi all I'm not sure if this is alowed but I just found a chat room for Its on irc on the xnet server the room is simply, not sure if there is a or not but I just thought I'd pass the word around because it does seem to get too much trafic though there which...
  10. saltyfish chat room

    Hi all I'm not sure if this is alowed but I just found a chat room for Its on irc on the xnet server the room is simply, not sure if there is a or not but I just thought I'd pass the word around because it does seem to get too much trafic though there which...
  11. saltyfish

    Skimmer is necessary??

    The whole advantage to haveing a skimmer is the fact you don't need to do as manny water changes. The a pro not a con. WC are a pain so the less you need to do the better right....
  12. saltyfish


    What is the current lightting set up that you are uesing right now?
  13. saltyfish

    Spare Bio-balls?

    I got some Bio chem stars that i bought but aren't going to use. Its open but i've not used a one. there are 20 in here and they cover 1 per 5 gals . intrested ?
  14. saltyfish

    Question about VHO or pc lighting

    well I have been studding this out doing 2 polls one came out vho and the other came out pc. in price though your looking at vho kits costing 150 mabe and pc 200. pc is more but not that much more and there smaller in with so you can get more into a small space. the bulbs are vho 23 and pc...
  15. saltyfish

    clown fish swimming in place????

    Dude Your way too paranoid. Just relax and enjoy your fish. BTW I think the cyclyeing trouble you've been haveing is too small a tank for your skill level. I would conciter a 25g to be a nano tank. Its all about water volume and in a smaller tank a little change has a BIG outcome. When...
  16. saltyfish

    VHO vs PC

    cool thanks for the info
  17. saltyfish

    VHO vs PC

    like where water wolf ? can you give details ?
  18. saltyfish

    VHO vs PC

    I've been asking about that and I heard that it really doesn't matter werther you have your lighting just come on or dim it up or with multi switches. Marine fish can you exspane more why thats important ?
  19. saltyfish

    VHO vs PC

    thank you all for the information
  20. saltyfish

    VHO vs PC

    thank you all for the information