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  1. pledosophy

    Feed Bowl

    I mounted a mussel shell to a mag float, then hang it on the back wall. Keeps the bristle worms out. I thaw the mysis in a cup of tank water and squirt the mysis into the shell. When I go to bed I take the mysis out of the shell and feed the corals I grow in the sump. JME
  2. pledosophy

    Blue legged hermit safe with H. Erectus Seahorses?

    the hermits grow up, then become a problem IME. HTH
  3. pledosophy

    Ricordeas with Sea horses?

    rics and seahorses are fine. Rics are one of the safest corals to mix with seahorses.
  4. pledosophy

    pipefish w/ seahorses

    Goldenmanx, I would love to hear more about your system and how long it's been running. Your tank is quite beautiful. I would be open to all the information you care to share. Mixing species has been controversial, I'm not here to udge, just to learn.
  5. pledosophy

    Seahorse Compatibility Chart

    Glad to see so many people found it helpful. It was written for medium and large seahorses and not intended to be a guide for dwarf seahorses. The list is also not meant to say how the different seahorse compatible fish will do when interacting with each other or corals. IME Paly's are not a...
  6. pledosophy

    bought seahorse after an hour laying on bottom

    Care to define "good parameters"? I might have a different idea then you.
  7. pledosophy

    Can seahorses be kept with an overflow filter

    yes. The wider the overflow the better IME so they don't go over, extending the teeth in the overflow above the waer line is a good idea with seahorses too, but especially with pipefish.
  8. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Friendly reminder; Links to other forums or other sites that sell or advertise are not allowed. It's not that we as Mods don't "care", it's just we don't always see when a post is in violation until it is reported. I apologize. I did not know that was a policy...
  9. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    Suzy, can you PM me the link on the utah reefs site? I found one article by Todd on the topic but it was 6 years old and much of the info is out of date. Would love to read the new stuff. Todd's a really nice guy, I have always like him. If you don't ahve the article I can always email him, I...
  10. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    he could pull of dwarf seahorses He could pull off dwarfs. There would be some obstacles to get the feeding density up to par. Some mods to the return pump would need to be made. You could go easy and just trim the impeller with scissors but it will cut the life span of the pump. I ran a MJ1200...
  11. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    Originally Posted by Suzy Todd Gardner wrote a wonderful paper about seahorse fry nutrition. He stated that fry raised in their newborn stages on copepods and foodstuffs like they receive in the ocean will have stronger immune systems than those raised on artemia. Is it puiblished? I'd love...
  12. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    Not will grow as in will definetly be larger then any WC you have ever seen, but have the ability to grow to the same size and yes larger then WC's with proper care. I'll elaborate further just for the sake of discussion. When you go into your LFS or order an aquacultured seahorse online from...
  13. pledosophy

    Care to be my double checker?

    Thanks and no worries.
  14. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    For more info on modding a nano tank for seahorses this is a good thread IMO.
  15. pledosophy

    Looking for Seahorses for my refuge

    Originally Posted by Suzy Scott Michael gave a talk at our local reef club a few months ago. He was talking about nano tanks and said that seahorses were great for them. And now, with only cb seahorses available, I think you could have a pair in a 12 gallon. CB are smaller than their WC...
  16. pledosophy

    Seahorse Compatibility Chart

    Least I could do. I just hope it helps someone. When I got into this hobby there was no such list. I made many mistakes. hopefully people can learn from my success and failures.
  17. pledosophy

    Care to be my double checker?

    Originally Posted by zeke92 yeah 69 is a bit cold unless he is just tryin to terminate every little parasite but i would suggest a few degrees higher. like 72-74. wow thats just the QT? there spoiled o.o I was kind of planning on these seahorses being in not so great shape when I received...
  18. pledosophy

    Care to be my double checker?

    Thanks for the feed back. This is just the QT tank, not there final home. It's just to hold them after shipping and make sure they are healthy and eating before introducing them into the display. Normally I would not keep seahorses in a 20g long, however these are only a few inches tall as it...
  19. pledosophy

    Care to be my double checker?

    SO I've been out of seahorses for a bit over a year now, had a few deals go bad, never received horses. I'm getting two female barbs in the morning. I have my QT setup. It's a 20g long, 10g sump, 24w UV, Remora Protein Skimmer, plastic chain hitches, taxifloria, all bare bottom. Heater set to...
  20. pledosophy

    MODS a ? for ya...pls look

    Originally Posted by We generally buy our Reidi from ORA and that is where the 3-4 inch yellows were from. ORA is an aquaculture specialist with facilities in FL. They are captive bred and held until they are eating frozen mysis. Scott It was my understanding that ORA was...