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  1. floods7

    Im looking for an RO unit for under $100.

    What is my best options for a RO under $100. I only have a 20g, but using tap water is really killing me. what would you guys recommend?
  2. floods7

    Should Chemi Pure Elite have a zip tie at the top of the bag?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef That's how they come. I've had the seals come off with the cap, it usually happens if the seal got too much moisture huh, even the zip tie?
  3. floods7

    Should Chemi Pure Elite have a zip tie at the top of the bag?

    I bought Boyd Chemi-Pure Elite 6.5 oz from and when i received it, the seal came off with the cap, the bag and contents were wet (which i hear is normal) and the baggie was held shut with a zip tie. Is this how it should be or did I get screwed with a fake one or a used one?
  4. floods7

    I need an RO system but I dont have the money. Saw this online, it connects to your tap and purifies the water, would this be enough?

    This is so new to me. I understand that it hooks up to the faucet, then what, it just purfies as it runs through, and then into the bucket I use for my fish tank.
  5. floods7

    I need an RO system but I dont have the money. Saw this online, it connects to your tap and purifies the water, would this be enough?

    I only have a 20G, but I am in desperate need of purified water? I really want an RO system but I think they are out of my price range. You guys know of any ones for under $100 Saw this online, would this cut it? Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter™ An easy-to-use...
  6. floods7

    Something weird on the bottom of my anemone. Take a look PIC, is there serious ?

    I haven’t touched the anemone since I put it in the tank about a month ago, so I don’t know how it would have received that injury. When I purchased that anemone it was the exact same color it is today, I’ve been told that I am underpowered with my light. I have a 20G with a coralife compact...
  7. floods7

    Something weird on the bottom of my anemone. Take a look PIC, is there serious ?

    I was able to get a pic of the underneath of the anemone yesterday and I noticed around a nickel sized ....umm well i don’t know what it is. Is this supposed to be there or does the anemone have an infection of some sort?
  8. floods7

    I cant get rid of hair algy, it keeps coming back (PICS)

    Oh yah, i mean i knew it wasnt good but i dont really have a choice until I get my RO, you know? I guess I could buy a bunch of distilled water but.... I will be picking up some Chemi pure elite later tonight. thanks for the tips
  9. floods7

    I cant get rid of hair algy, it keeps coming back (PICS)

    I am unfortunately using tap water but i will be changing that soon. Me and my friend are going to split on RO system. I leave my lights on for about 8 hours a day. This is the light I am using.... It and the bulbs are about 4-5 months old. I am...
  10. floods7

    I cant get rid of hair algy, it keeps coming back (PICS)

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer You need to kill the aptasia too..... what exactly is in the tank as far as fish? and your cuc (clean up crew)? How long have you had your anemone and what type is it? Yah im gonna get the aptasia tomorrow. 2 Clowns, 1 Hawaiian Fire Fish. 1 Hermit Crab 2...
  11. floods7

    I cant get rid of hair algy, it keeps coming back (PICS)

    I have quite a powerful light for my tank. Coralife PC 2X65 watt and a 20G High tank. I also have quite a powerful power head. When I put those two in, which happened about in the same week I noticed a huge amount of hair algy. I posted on the forums and people recommended that since i didn’t...
  12. floods7

    Oooohhhh damnnn. Anemone stuck in filter..

    Roaming = not happy Dude.... I just put him in less that 24 hours ago.
  13. floods7

    Oooohhhh damnnn. Anemone stuck in filter..

    I didnt even have him close to the filter and over night he got himself stuck. I have the filter shut off, but what is my next move? just wait?
  14. floods7

    Was told I bought a Sebea anemone, but after looking closesly I think the tenticals are too long to be a Sebea. What do you think?

    I have a coralife compact fluorescent 2x65 watt. Its also positioned towards the top of the tank, I will post pic soon of entire setup. What kind of food should I be feeding it? and how much? And how often, only once a week? Should I use a turkey baster to put the food in its mouth?
  15. floods7

    Was told I bought a Sebea anemone, but after looking closesly I think the tenticals are too long to be a Sebea. What do you think?

    What am I looking at here? The majority of the tenticals look to be a little over an inch long
  16. floods7

    Best hosts for clowns - do Xenias host clowns?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Wartooth1 I've never heard of Xenias hosting clowns. I've heard of some people having success with Frogspawns hosting clowns but if your clowns were tank raised they might not host anything at all. about xenias...
  17. floods7

    Best hosts for clowns - do Xenias host clowns?

    I am a noob here and do not have any corals as of yet. I have two percula clowns and a firefish in my 20G. I would like to add some corals to the tank. What would be good hosts for clowns as well as look great, have good color, and spread? Thanks
  18. floods7

    Coral Beauty in 20G?

    My friend was moving and had to get rid of his fish, he had no one else to give it to so i took a Coral Beauty that he just purchased. Probably about 2.8-3 inches. what kind of problems am i going to have with puttin gthis fish in a 20g tank. Also, i heard it might attach some anomies, i dont...
  19. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    I just want to make sure I got this correct. Do I have to thaw it? I usually just cut a frozen piece off (about a 1/4) and toss it in the tank and it slowly breaks apart and the fish eat it.