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  1. i love fish

    What should i do?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian No, three weeks will do it. The black mark will be gone with the next molt. what about the shrimp pods that Beth talked about in her thread on isopods and copepods (the bad pods that live under the shrimp's shell) lets say worst case scenario, that my shrimp has...
  2. i love fish

    My new clown woke up sick, please help

    Originally Posted by sepulatian No, the SG has been at 0.009 for 3 days now. Should I bring the SG up over the next week then use Cupramine or should I just leave him in hypo? I was planning on using cupramine next when the 3 weeks in hypo was over, but if u think it's best to start ASAP...
  3. i love fish

    What is wronge with my shrimp

    On sunday i bought two blood red shrimps and one of them has a brown spot on his tail and another one near his head.What should i do and how long should i keep them in my Q.T.
  4. i love fish


    Is it true that u should keep only 1 anenome per tank? If so, why?
  5. i love fish

    ID this 'creature' please

    thanks, i don't have it or it's many, many babies anymore, coz this was last yr b4 my entire DT crashed and i lost everything with it, but now at least I know that if I ever find another 1 in my tank again 2 get rid of it. I've heard alot of bad things about mantis shrimps, but I didn't think...
  6. i love fish

    Everything in tank was Dead by Morning

    I'm sorry 4 ur losses. I agree, some kind of contaminant from the carpet cleaning/steaming, or something sprayed nearby (hairspray, deoderant, etc). Change the water and run some carbon in the filter. :)
  7. i love fish

    quick question about molting shrimp

    whenever ur shrimp molts, do u need to remove the shell? If it stays in the water and no1 eats it, will it decay and foul the water (cause ammonia)?
  8. i love fish

    strange things happen in my tank!

    this is normal, last yr when I had a cleaner shrimp b4 my DT crashed and i lost everything (including my sanity) my cleaner shrimps (i had 2) used 2 on very rare occasions clean each other, sometimes they'd clean the corals, once 1 of them was trying 2 clean the anenome until he realized he was...
  9. i love fish

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Take care and stay safe.
  10. i love fish

    why does my skimmer do this?

    ok,so I guess i better switch brands, thanks 4 that
  11. i love fish

    Responsible aquarist vs responsible vendor

    I think vendors should put up information regarding each specie they r selling, stating what they eat, what not to 'mix' it with, ideal temp, SG, what size tank is appropriate, etc. Basically as much info as they can, that way they can not b held responsible if some1 bought, lets say, a cleaner...
  12. i love fish

    ID this 'creature' please

    Last yr when I first set up my DT b4 it crashed I found this weird looking thing in my aquarium. I don't have any pictures of it so I will try n describe it as best as i can...... It's black, has many legs(kind of like a centipede), has claws at the front like a shrimp, an elongated body(like a...
  13. i love fish

    My new clown woke up sick, please help

    QUOTE=sepulatian;2607219]Is this Qt at normal salinity? If so then start copper treatment. It will kill any worms or parasites on the fish. Use Cupramine and a salifert copper testing kit. These worms have been around for far too long now. Read Beth's instructions for Cupramine. No, the SG has...
  14. i love fish

    Do Not take the word of any pet store owner/employee as fact, always research.

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Yeah, but that is an entirely different culture. OMG, don't even get me started on the culture, it drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!!
  15. i love fish

    Do Not take the word of any pet store owner/employee as fact, always research.

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Responsibility falls on the hobbyist as well though. I totally agree with you sepulation, but please, bear in mind that unfortunately not every1 can access the net, and not every1 knows about these msg boards. I relied mainly on info from my lfs and books(which...
  16. i love fish

    Need Some Help Fast

    you could change the carbon or if your not using any at the moment, add carbon to ur filter for afew days.
  17. i love fish

    why does my skimmer do this?

    Does anybody know y my skimmer keeps on skimming out clean water every time I do a water change. The only way I can stop it from doing this is by either blocking off the air intake tube for a couple of days, or by switching the skimmer off for a day or 2 then putting it back on again. Does any1...
  18. i love fish

    Do Not take the word of any pet store owner/employee as fact, always research.

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Very wise decision My LFS has nice stock at good prices. They do not push anything. It is a husband and wife that own it. They are smart individuals. The guy always asks about my tank. They have also told me NOT to add vitamins to the fish's food. They said that...
  19. i love fish

    Do Not take the word of any pet store owner/employee as fact, always research.

    Originally Posted by spiked09 These people generally do not specialize in just fish so it is pretty much impossible for them to know EVERYTHING about all the animals they sell. When compared to a salt water enthusiast who spends all their spare time experimenting, researching, observing and...