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  1. gregzbobo

    Does coralline bleach?

    It does bleach, but I don't know all the reasons it does. I don't think there are any white varieties of it either.
  2. gregzbobo

    Clam Recommendations

    I have that book, its a good read. There are a few times you might get a tad lost because of the translation from German, but its an excelent read.
  3. gregzbobo

    Moving Purple tang from established tank.

    Yes, most definitely quarantine, especially tangs. They stress fairly easily, and are quite prone to ich.
  4. gregzbobo

    I am mad!!!

    Yes, can you email me the name and locaton of the store too please? I live in Oklahoma too and want to be wary of this store.... Something like this is totally sucky, I feel for ya friend.
  5. gregzbobo

    45lbs Tonga Ridge or 45 Lbs. Aquacultured Fiji

    No offense taken at all, I was just making a point. As for the actual cost of the rock itself, it depends on who owns mineral rights to the land its mined from. And I am quite sure that those gents with the leased off-shore acreage are raking it in. That rock must cost only a couple hundred...
  6. gregzbobo

    Saltwater problems

    Reef Crystals and Instant Ocean are both manufactured by the same company. I personally think Reef Crystals isn't worth the extra cost, but thats only my opinion. Some folks seem to have better results with it, I personally have excellent results with Instant Ocean.
  7. gregzbobo

    Dipping fish in fres water?

    I've read that closer to a week is advisable for raising the salinity back to seawater levels.
  8. gregzbobo

    45lbs Tonga Ridge or 45 Lbs. Aquacultured Fiji

    The rock likely ISN'T free, not in quantities like that, you have to account for the fuel to run the dump-trucks and the front-end loaders, and to pay the people that operate them, plus overhead for the mine. They might let an individual take a few rocks, but if you want a truckload, you are...
  9. gregzbobo

    just got my kalkwasser

    Try to set the drip so it will keep the water level in your sump constant. Kind of tough to do really, thats why I use a float valve.
  10. gregzbobo

    Icecap 660 Question

    a 4 foot long normal output flourescent tube is 40 watts, a 4 foot VHO tube is 110 watts.
  11. gregzbobo

    are these amphipods

    Just curious, but what exactly do 'pods eat? Detritus, algea, smaller 'pods?
  12. gregzbobo

    Starting first new saltwater tank -shaking

    Plexi-glass tanks aka acrylic have to be bonded chemically using a special glue. Silicone will not work except maybe on much smaller tanks, such as 20 gallons or less, if that. Acrylic is a good choice for a tank that size, but the seams have to be almost perfect for the glue to bond them...
  13. gregzbobo

    Acrylic or Latex paint for background?

    Acrylic enamel, or latex. Latex goes on thicker, but peels off easier, acrylic takes a couple of coats, and doesn't peel, but is a pain to remove if you ever have to do so.
  14. gregzbobo


    Bioballs go in sumps yes, but are not required. If you don't maintain them, the nitrate levels in your tank can go up. Your better off in my opinion putting some less visually appealing live rock in the sump.
  15. gregzbobo

    Diatom algea

    Thats really about it. Your nitrates need not be zero though, nitrates aren't harmful except in fairly large amounts, say over 10-20 ppm. 30-40 is generally tolerated by most creatures, but corals and some shrimp may not like it much.
  16. gregzbobo

    Dipping fish in fres water?

    I've seen it done, good way to watch a new fish quiver around on its side for 5 seconds. Its alot easier and MUCH less stressful on the fish to quarantine it and hyposalinate it to make sure its ich-free. Stress btw can trigger an ich outbreak. So if you put that recently dipped fish in the...
  17. gregzbobo

    algae scrapers

    If money is no object, Tunze or Magnavore. Tunze is available on this site, but I think Magnavores may be better. The Tunze ones are imported, which may account for part of the cost.
  18. gregzbobo

    Acrylic or Latex paint for background?

    I used acrylic enamel from Payless Cashways (no longer in business btw). I did not paint the sides of my tank, only the back. I like looking in the sides. :)
  19. gregzbobo

    Diatom algea

    Weird, but yeah, still cycling. If you have no fish in there, you might consider putting a small cocktail shrimp in the water to speed the cycle, and not run any lights at all till the cycle is complete. The coralline MAY experience a slight die-off, but should come back if that happens. Most...
  20. gregzbobo

    I did not know these things could climb glass!

    Most are good yes, detritus feeders for the most part. Its possible to encounter one that preys on fish, but those are rather rare.