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  1. gregzbobo

    southdown sand rant

    Sorry all, stupid thing to get ticked about.
  2. gregzbobo

    southdown sand rant

    I dunno really. Perhaps just jealous of all you lucky folks that DO have access to the stuff I guess. 35 bucks for a 30 pound bag of caribsea is Just stupid in my opinion. 5 bucks for a 40? pound bag of southdown is more my speed. :-)
  3. gregzbobo

    When to start adding calcium for LR?

    I have a Salifert test kit that I purchased from this site, it seems to work quite nicely.
  4. gregzbobo


    Possibly red cyanobacteria AKA red slime. As long as you keep up with water changes and keep your water parameters where they need to be, it should go away before too long.
  5. gregzbobo

    southdown sand rant

    Sorry, for this rant but I feel its in order. I know that this sand is good to use for our aquariums, but it is NOT available nationwide. I have a bit of a problem with people recommending a person to buy this and then not saying that it may not be available. So just an FYI for you folks not...
  6. gregzbobo


    I have read 48 hours.
  7. gregzbobo

    what in-sump skimmer?

    I don't want a piece of junk, but I also don't want to pay 300+ for a skimmer thats going on a 65 gallon tank either. That and I have fairly limited space in the sump, it being in the cabinet my tank sits on. The one you mention seems almost perfect though. Does anyone else have other suggestions?
  8. gregzbobo

    wet /dry slide draw ??

    square piece of acrylic, and a drill with a 1/8"-3/16" drill bit.
  9. gregzbobo

    what in-sump skimmer?

    I'm kind of thinking of getting a new skimmer for my 65. I need one that is in-sump, reliable, efficient, and that doesn't cost half a month salary like some other skimmers I've seen. Any recommendations? thanks.
  10. gregzbobo

    my tank 2nd pic

    One word. WOW
  11. gregzbobo

    Hairy mushroom HELP

    protein skimmers remove iodine.
  12. gregzbobo

    Cleaner shrimp and ick

    They are known to do so, but if I were you, I'd not expect them to do so. You would probably be better off in attempting to catch all the fish in your tank and utilizing one of the ich treatments you can find described within this board. Even if the cleaner DOES get all the ich off, the life...
  13. gregzbobo

    Hello Everyone

    I know your wife said that to get the 75 your 20 must go, but you are going to get a 10 for a q tank? Perhaps you can convince her to keep the equipment for the 20 and the tank, and use it for a q tank instead. LEss stressful for new fish, and it will save you a couple bucks from buying a ten...
  14. gregzbobo

    How to clean used tank

    Either vinegar or muriatic acid from a pool dealer. That will take the hardwater deposits off. Won't hurt the tank at all, and it definitely works. Vinegar just takes longer. After doing the acid wash, use plain tap water to rinse it out. When I used to clean 10 gallon tanks, I would wash them...
  15. gregzbobo

    New shell for a hermet Crab?

    slick, how big is your "Big Daddy"? I saw a hermit crab at an lfs here and the thing was at LEAST the size of a football.
  16. gregzbobo

    How often do.....

    Actually, its a coral banded and I have read that they will fight if they are the same ---. But since you say they are hermaphrodites, how can that be?
  17. gregzbobo

    Brown dusty looking algae

    Sorry about only saying one suggestion. RO/DI water WILL help, silicates usually come in with tapwater as I understand it. Some snails eat the stuff too. Astreas I believe are one of them. I don't know anything about "mud" filters, but I think I have heard someplace that you are supposed to...
  18. gregzbobo

    Brown dusty looking algae

    Are your bulbs also 1.5 years old? If so, that MAY have contributed. If they are that old, you might change them. Perhaps a bulb a week till they are all new.
  19. gregzbobo

    How often do.....

    When I bought the animal, the lfs said I was buying a female and they knew it was such because it had a blue patch along its back. The blue patch being eggs. Is this true?
  20. gregzbobo

    How often do.....

    shrimp molt? Mine just molted within the past day or two, and I've had him about 2 or 3 weeks now. Is molting this soon after I buy him a good sign? I also just got my calcium and alk tests today, 420 calcium, 8.6 alk, and about 8.4 ph. Ammonia zip, nitrites zip, nitrates about 10 or so. Oh, and...