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  1. acez28

    Horseshoe Crab

    Anyone have one? How is it? Whats in the tank with it?
  2. acez28

    Who Has The Largest Tank?

    mine is a for now i lead!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!
  3. acez28

    Cycling the tank

    yeah i would like to hear that reason too.....i figured meat is meat.
  4. acez28

    What Is The Proper Temparature

    I have a FOWLR and i keep mine between 78-80 degrees
  5. acez28

    starfish feeding on snails?

    i would think so if they could get to them but i doubt if they would be able to get to them.
  6. acez28

    couple ?

    My CBS goes after things when they get in his readh but i just dont think he could actually hurt my fish. Now awhile ago i had bought to very small domino damsels and he caught and ate both of them but they were very very small and that was the purpose of buying them. But if your fish are...
  7. acez28

    Chocolate Chip Stars

    Can they carry diseases? I guess what i really want to know is it necessary to QT them just like fish?
  8. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    they have been together for a year and nothing has happened so far. But i dunno maybe he will go after him eventually. I still have the 29 setup tho so if it does happen the CBS will go to the 29.
  9. acez28

    My Tank

    the best pic
  10. acez28

    My Tank

  11. acez28

    Let's see how smart you are.....

    my brain
  12. acez28

    zebra hermit in sump?

    i would be curious on how it got down there but i prolly would put it back up top.
  13. acez28

    Hobby to Hobby: Fishy Import Racing Scene

    I am into racing just not imports.....i like the V8 growls. Not mosquito buzzing. I have had 2 Z28s and one Stang GT. This is a pic of the one i have now.
  14. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    yeah i have had a porcupine puffer b4. But the rock i have is base rock so i am pretty sure it will turn live. Plus i have the hermits that will not let anything on the ground long. I have to put the seaweed that i feed the tang up high cuz if they can get to it within 5 minutes half of them...
  15. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    not necessarily agressive....just wanted to get one more fish. The trigger and the tang will not leave each other sides. They eat together, sleep together, and swim together. I have about 90-95 lbs of rock but only about 20 of its was actually live when i bought it. The rest will turn live...
  16. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    Tanks is about 2 months old but most of it comes from my 29gal that i have had for about a year and a half. The trigger, sailfin and the coral banded shrimp i have had for over a year. I have about 25-30lbs of LR. Its 20lbs in the main tank and about 10 in the sump. I have a US Acyllic 30...
  17. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    my tank so far..........
  18. acez28

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    Just want to hear some suggestion for my 100gal. What i have in there now is in my sig. I was thinking of getting a porcupine puffer but might not be enuff room for him. I want something that is active and has a good personality. My gf wants something that is colorful and exotic. Any...
  19. acez28

    Cleanup Crew

    i was gonna get a cleanup crew from here to but i went to my LFS and they sell any kinds of hermits a dollar a piece. And the snails are $2....but they are big snails. So i just got mine from there. Only problem is they dont let u pick the kermits and u might get scarlett or zebra or bluelegs.
  20. acez28

    it's starting to freak me out

    i think it is fine..........