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  1. acez28

    New Tank Problems

    too many fish too fast. When you setup ur tank it has to cycle. Everything will go up then back down to 0. Ammonia first then Nitrites then Nitrates. Plus your tank was overstocked and the fish were prolly stressed which is why they have ICK now. You have to wait till ur tank completely...
  2. acez28

    Updated Pics

    Full tank shot That blur at the top right is the puffer and the one under it is my blue damsel. If you look to the bottom right you can see the Juvi Emperor peeking his head out of his home.
  3. acez28

    Updated Pics

    Coral Banded Shrimp in his home. If you look to the right on top of that rock you can see one of the hermits in a shell that i got while i was in florida. Its a white shell.
  4. acez28

    Updated Pics

    my Chocolate Chip Star
  5. acez28

    Updated Pics

    another one
  6. acez28

    Updated Pics

    Juvi Emperor about to go to his hideout
  7. acez28

    Updated Pics

    Sailfin Tang with CBS lurking in his castle
  8. acez28

    Updated Pics

    another try
  9. acez28

    Updated Pics

    Tried very hard to get the puffer but he wouldnt sit still long enuff.
  10. acez28

    Brown Diatom - Keep it gone forever?

    i dunno.....i was getting it bad at first now i maybe cleam my glass every coupla weeks. Then it dont really need it but i do it just to keep it from forming. I only have 6 snails also. My hermits take it out most of the time. Maybe you could try hermits.
  11. acez28


    my Lion, i feed frozen krill. He ate that with no problem.
  12. acez28

    Hiding Sailfin Tang

    I have had my Sailfin for a lil over a year....dont remember him hiding or anything but now i cant even walk in the living room without him thinkin its feeding time. He will actually eat out of my hand too. I love mine........
  13. acez28

    Success Pairing Maroon Clowns!!

    Thats great....did you have the lights turned off when you introduced him. I have heard that helps alot.
  14. acez28

    Buying a 125

    I would say get more rock also....dont all have to be live but more than 20-30 lbs you suggested. I have a 100 gal and use a sump. I have a US Acryllic 30" Protein skimmer and a Mag5 as a return pump. The Skimmer i got off of ---- for $60 and the pump was $89.
  15. acez28

    how many of hours do you keep your lights on in your tank

    yeah 24/7 will make algae grow like no tommorrow. I keep mine on between 8-10 hours.
  16. acez28

    Is this Diatom algae or Cyano???

    yeah i would say its diatoms too and pretty bad at you have a clean up crew at all? They would make short work out of that.
  17. acez28


    yeap that is exactly what they look like except the one with the pink bottom. What are they and are they harmful and why are there so many of them?
  18. acez28


    well most of the aptasia that i saw are brown and these are if i get a peppermint shrimp they wouldnt last in my tank. The puffer would make a short meal out of them.
  19. acez28


    I have this small piece of LR that i got about 2 years ago from my LFS. I had the lights off for a while and then i turned the room lights on and looked at the rock and its about 20 anemones all on one end of the rock. I dont have my digital camera but i will try to get a pic of them when i...
  20. acez28

    Horseshoe Crab

    oh didnt know they get that big. Well i just thought they were cool looking but definitely too big for my tank.