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  1. acez28

    3 days and counting

    check all levels about 3 times a week. other than that leave everything be.
  2. acez28

    CC Star vs Anemone

    mine is ok for now BUT only because i have 2 large condy anmones and a small CC Star. And alot because i spot feed it alot to keep it from getting hungry enuff to eat one. But i know one day it will make a snack out of both of my anemones. fish eat fish world
  3. acez28

    LR is now in long will it take to cycle?

    from my experience your cycle will be finished when your ammonia AND your nitrites go to 0. After your ammonia goes up and then down then your Trites will rise and then drop to zero. With my 100gal it took about 4 weeks and with my 29gal it took about 6 weeks.
  4. acez28

    About Porcurpine Puffer

    i think it will be worth it to try. Try to find a very small puffer first.
  5. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    just because a fish has miles and miles of swimming room doesnt mean they will use it. Most fish stick to a small area to graze and protect. oh yeah thanks for the pic of the bigger tang. Never actually seen one thats a good size like that.
  6. acez28

    pooping puffer

    this is the first time i ever heard that behavior
  7. acez28

    clean skimmer

    i wash mine whenever it looks bad. I dont think I have a set time limit.....maybe every 2-3 weeks or so but...........
  8. acez28

    About Porcurpine Puffer

    i have a small puffer and a Coral Banded Shrimp. They have gotten into ummm "altercations" before but for the most the CBS stays out of the puffers way and the puffer stays out of the CBS way. In thier encounters the puffer may have gotten too close and the CBS lashes out at him and the...
  9. acez28

    chocolate chip starfish

    feed him more.....mine does that when he hasnt had enuff to eat. after he gets full he back to the LR
  10. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    As i said b4 i want to see a pic of anyone here that has a large tang. I just want to see one. There arent any big aquariums in memphis. So thats why the hang up on a pic. If so many people claim that they cant live long and get large in a smaller aquarium lets see one in a bigger aquarium...
  11. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    where's the pic?
  12. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    okay everyone has all these rules and things about tangs should not be in anything less than a 55gal. Let's see these 10inch or more tangs. Even the 8" yellow tangs. I always here about they can get xx"s big but i have yet to see ont that big. Lets see some pics.
  13. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    Stig i guess most of the people that came and replied to your post never took the time to read it. HE SAID HE WANT TO KNOW THE EXPERIENCE PEOPLE HAD WITH TANGS IN SMALL TANKS. But like i sailfin was in a 29gal for a year. I was misinformed and i know my tank was overstocked but i...
  14. acez28

    bizarre behavior :)

    my domino use to play in my condy all the time.....not uncommon
  15. acez28

    How often do you feed??

    2 times a day for me and i spot feed my puffer, CBS, Choco Star and 2 anemones about once every 2 days.
  16. acez28

    Tangs in "small" tanks pt. 2.

    I had my sailfin tang in a 29gal for a year. He was happy and even grew a little.
  17. acez28

    OT: How is evryones tank doin?

    my tank is doing great. Only complaints i have is that i have went from 34 hermits to like 15. I see my CBS with one in his mouth every now and then but i feed him alot so i dont know. I guess the only other thing that could be taking them out is the puffer but he dont go after them. Well...
  18. acez28

    Crabs Perch

    i have 34 or more hermits and they all can dissappear during the day but when i feed the fish they literally come out of the rock works from every direction.
  19. acez28

    How many fish is "too many"?

    1" every 5 gallons is what i use. Take the adult size of the fish when using that tho.
  20. acez28

    Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish

    well my damsel was very small and it might have been sick too. It was my first tank and all my fish ended up dying. Only thing that lived through it was my CBS. But yeah woke up one morning and looked in the back of the tank and he was on top of it. You could see his tail sticking out from...