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  1. acez28

    My bag of salt water mix didnt come with mixing proportions HELP

    yeah i doubt it to. i moved a 29gal with 1/4 of water in it and it was crazy heavy.
  2. acez28

    new tank... extremely cloudy

    when i used aragonite i ran into the same thing. i ended up pulling mine back out and rinsing it a little first.
  3. acez28

    Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish

    I've had 2. The first one i got was pretty big and i didnt know they ate everything. The LFS told me that they were "filter feeders".....they were stoopid. It ate 3 condys and a domino damsel that i think it caught while it was sleeping but i dont really know. But i have one now also. Its...
  4. acez28


    twice a day and then i spot feed my puffer, 2 condys and starfish about once every 3 days.
  5. acez28

    Quarantine "Cleaning crew"?

    the inverts cant carry disease so u you dont have to QT them. wait a coupla weeks after ur cycle is done and then acclimate them and add them to your tank.
  6. acez28


    its a never ending battle. They will always come back. But peeps around here say use RO/DI water to help with it. I live in Memphis, Tn and i use the tap water here and i maybe, and thats a big MAYBE have to clean the diatoms off the glass once every 3-4weeks. Even then its not enuff that...
  7. acez28

    Unusual??? CC starfish behavior.

    yeah i have a small one.....about an inch. I feed him a krill about every 3 days and he doesnt ever come to the top.
  8. acez28

    What's your personal favorite type of fish species and why ?

    i say puffers. I think they have the best personalities out of the fish i have. My Coral Banded Shrimp will be a close second....i love mine.
  9. acez28

    post 100 gallon aquarium pics here

    yeah the puffer is my favorite. He is already eating out of my hand and I have only had him about a month and a half. Nice tank ACEZ28 - BTW that's a trigger fish in the left corner of your tank Yeah i is a huma huma trigger but i traded him for the puffer. Thats a kinda older...
  10. acez28

    Lettuce Nudibranch

    thanx for answering.....anyone know if its cool to have more than one in a tank?
  11. acez28

    post 100 gallon aquarium pics here

    here is mine but the trigger is going and has been replaced with a Porcupine puffer
  12. acez28

    What needed for a mantis tank.

    and film it taking stuff out. i likes to see that
  13. acez28

    Lettuce Nudibranch

    any suggestions...............
  14. acez28

    Lettuce Nudibranch

    Are these very easy to take care of. I like different stuff thats why i am asking. You can look in my sig and see the type of fish i have. I was reading on another website and it says that they use photosynthesis to make sugar for thier bodies so does this mean that i will need a strong light...
  15. acez28

    Peanut Worm

    well i dont know for sure but it does the same as the 2 other peanut worms i have. They all push that gray looking stuff out of thier holes. Only thing with this one is that i never seen its head because of the way his hole is. I dont have a real way of knowing unless i pull him out. In my...
  16. acez28

    Peanut Worm

    Is it possible to move these from one tank to another. I have a worm that lives in the gravel in my QT tank and was wondering if i should move it to the main tank. I know if i have to use that tank to treat a fish then that worm would prolly die....plusmore there isnt anything else in that...
  17. acez28

    favorite fish

    Porcupine Puffer
  18. acez28


    depends on the fish with me. My sailfin tang i acclimated for about 2 hours. I poured the water out the bag into a bowl, then i add a little tank water into the bowl every 15 minutes. Then after everything is ready i take some RO/DI water and get it the same temp as the tank water and i do a...
  19. acez28

    condi movement

    they will move till they get comfortable and then move some more. Mine has been climbing in and out of caves since i put him in my tank. He usually closes up and moves at night and by morning he is in a different place.
  20. acez28

    Porcupine Puffer ???

    i have had 2 porcupine i have now. But neither of them layed around alot. The first one i lost to Ick but even then he moved about all the time. I dont know about them laying around all the time. From my experience they are active.....mine dont even lay around when the lights...