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  1. prinny

    Tang ?

    Can you put a purple tang and a yellow tang with a Naso tank in a 120 fo tank?
  2. prinny

    Water Change

    That's how we have it set up to do it!
  3. prinny

    Water Change

    Thank you so much for the wonderful article. It is what we have been looking for. One questions though, how do you heat the water up before adding it to the tank? We bought bottled water in five gallon jugs.
  4. prinny

    Water Change

    Any suggestions on how to do this? I know you are supposed to do 20% but how often? We bought bottled water and need to know if we should have the temperature the same as the acquarium? We had planned putting the pump in the acqurium to get the water out, then stick it in the rubbermaid tubs...
  5. prinny

    Feeding Blue Star?

    We had just bought him and he immediately climbed between the two rocks so he hasn't been fed yet. I don' know how to get the food to him.
  6. prinny

    Powder Brown vs. Powder Blue.

    I was told you could have more than one if you kept them in an odd number. Is this not right?
  7. prinny

    LR ?

    It would be cured.
  8. prinny

    Feeding Blue Star?

    Our Blue Star has place himself between two of the LR. How and what are we supposed to feed him?
  9. prinny

    LR ?

    How do you add live rock in an established tank?
  10. prinny


    We took our net and moves the Naso away from the shrip and they ran into the live rock. I think everybody will be okay now, I hope! We have 90 lbs of live rock so they have plenty of hiding places that he can't get to.
  11. prinny

    How many fish do you have?

    1 Naso Tang (He's a PIG) 4 False Perc 1 Lawnmower Blenny 2 Bicolor Blennies 2 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Neon Doby 4 Anemones
  12. prinny


    I just purchased two peppermint shrimp and my Naso Tang has them cornered and is trying to eat them. Was I not supposed to put these guys together? What can I do to stop this?
  13. prinny


    We have our lights on a 12 hour timer. Is this right?
  14. prinny


    We have a 120 FO tank that has one neon goby and one lawnmower blenny. We continue to have algea on the tank glass. Any suggestions on what and how many cleaners we need? The other fish at this time include 1 Naso Tank, and 2 clowns. We also have 4 anemonies(sp). Thanks for your input.
  15. prinny

    Ordering Fish Online

    anybody else?
  16. prinny

    Ordering Fish Online

    Have you guys had any luck ordering fish online? Can you give me suggestions.
  17. prinny

    Our First Death

    What order are we supposed to add the fish? We have had two clowns and a Goby if for a week, then we added the Naso Tang, and waited for four days and added the Angel and a anemone. We had our water tested before we added anything at the LFS and our home test kit. Are we going way to fast and...
  18. prinny

    Our First Death

    We purchased an angel yesterday and it is very close to death now. She is laying on the bottom of the tank breathing very heavy. Is there anything we can do? This is so sad.
  19. prinny

    I have a question about pond fish

    We have started feeding ours. We watch to make sure they eat, and since they have we are continuing. Our ice is totally off of our pond, but ours is over 26 inches deep. Good luck.
  20. prinny

    Naso Tangs

    My husband just talked me into one too. He is a PIG! He eats everything is site. We keep fresh lettuce for him, but he never stops eating. I would be interested in hearing about these guys too.