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  1. liquorfish

    Tank Pic's

    Oops ! forgot reat of pics
  2. liquorfish

    Tank Pic's

    Took a few pic's of my 55. Been running for about 1yr.
  3. liquorfish

    Please ID?

    Thanks Bang Guy. Thats exactly what it is.
  4. liquorfish

    Please ID?

    Sorry, but thats as close as I can get without blurring the picture with my elcheapo digital camera.
  5. liquorfish

    Please ID?

    This mushroom looking critter appeared about a week ago moving across my LR. It dissapeard for a couple of days behind the LR. It finally came out so I could take a pic. It has moved half way across my 55 on the LR. Any idea what it is? Good or bad for tank?:notsure:
  6. liquorfish

    white mushrooms

    Not for sure why my nitrates are so high. I have no fish to feed. I do give my brain and anenome a little dry krill about every week and a half. But just a little piece. How about the phytoplex. Can that cause high nitrates.:confused:
  7. liquorfish

    white mushrooms

    my tank has been up and going for 5 months well cycled. I've been doing water changes because of nitrate levels about 2 to 3 gallons per week to lower. Was afraid to do to much at once because I don't want it to lose to much bac. and recycle
  8. liquorfish

    mushroom color?

    It has the standard lighting system it came w/
  9. liquorfish

    white mushrooms

    Sorry didn't get to finish. I have some green mushrooms that for some reasons are all turning a yellowish-white...
  10. liquorfish

    mushroom color?

    I have what used to be green mushrooms. They turned a neon green at first and now are a yellowish white. I have a 12 gallon nano cube w/ standard pc's.
  11. liquorfish


    *********.***has taken thier site offline. You be the judge...........
  12. liquorfish

    Phosban reactor up and running

    I also ordered mine on 4/13. I e-mailed them and got a quick response back about waiting for more stock from the manufacturer. They seem quick to want to refund you, so beware. Sounds like it could be a long time before we get them. :mad:
  13. liquorfish

    U Tube

    About every 3 days the U tube in my pre-filter gets air in the top of the tube. Why? I siphon the air out and little by little it's back. Decreasing or increasing the flow from the fuge did'nt change anything.:confused:
  14. liquorfish

    Newbie pic's

    Forgot to post other pic's sorry!!!
  15. liquorfish

    Newbie pic's

    Thanks to one and all who contribute to this site. Without this site I would still be trying to figure out if kalkwaaser was some sort of wraase or a plant.... Attached are a few pic's of my 55 gal.:joy:
  16. liquorfish

    Marine S.A.T.

    Saw a new product at my lfs on the counter called MARINE S.A.T. It's supposed to be a biological clarifier that claims to be 100% live bacteria. It also claims to reduce hair algae problems as well as other types of algae. Anyone ever here about or tried this product. Just curious.:thinking:
  17. liquorfish

    Please Id?

    Sorry took so long. Should have given better description. The plants are about 2 inches tall with wide branches. Only growing on this piece of LR.
  18. liquorfish

    Please Id?

    Anyone have these plants growing in your tank? If so, what kind are they? I am not using a sump or refugium with plants so the plants could have come as hitchikers with LR. LR has been in the tank for about 4 months. PS Ordered a mud sump for my 55. Can't wait!!!
  19. liquorfish

    Tidepool or not to Tidepool?

    Looking to add a sump to my 55. Anyone using a tidepool bio-wheel? Or would a aqua clear wet/dry work better? Have only LR, some soft corals and 3 fish. I have a rena xp3 cannister filter that is working well. Would like to improve my system.
  20. liquorfish

    Please ID?

    Puchased some new LR about 3 weeks ago. Over the last 2 days I just noticed this white stuff growing on the side of the LR and a few other spots on some of the other LR in the tank. Only LR in the tank, no inverts or fish.Could this be some type of sponge???