Search results

  1. petepaschall

    Mag 12 or 18?

    OK. Time to show off my ignorance. What is the relationship between the size of the sump and the flow rate of water going through it? It seems like the amount of water in the sump would be the same at any given time (except for the rate of evaporation). The water enters and leaves the sump...
  2. petepaschall

    Mag 12 or 18?

    I currnetly have a single overflow on my 75 g tank, and I am adding a second one. Both overflows have a 1 inch drain going to the sump. I do not know the gph capacity of either since both were bought used, but I am guessing they are about 700 gph each. I will have the return going to a...
  3. petepaschall

    broomer - quick fuge question(s)

    I am building a fuge out of an 18 gallon Rubbermaid. I got some of the plumbing parts before I read your step by step directions on how you did yours (very informative - thanks for providing that). Would 1/2 inch bulkheads be too small? Do I need 2, or would one bulkhead flowing into the sump...
  4. petepaschall


    Thanks for the info! Kip - that'd be great! Obviously I'll pay for any shipping charges and any other costs. Or I could swing by sometime (I'm nowhere near Salisbury, but I've been meaning to take my daughter to the Asheboro zoo one weekend). Whichever works best for you. Send me an e-mail...
  5. petepaschall


    I am setting up a refugium for the purposes of nitrate/phosphate removal (any other benfits will be just gravy), and bought a Lights of America plant grow light (I couldn't find the LOA 95 watt PC lights that have been mentioned). Will this lighting be okay to grow macros? I've done a search...
  6. petepaschall

    return plumbing

    I am planning to add a refugium teed off from my return line from my sump. I currently have a smaller diameter tubing (it's either 1/2 or 3/4 inch tubing) from the return pump to the tank, where it's attached to a pipe that has a couple of 90 degree bends to get up and over the side of the...
  7. petepaschall

    MIA shrimp

    Found 3 together this morning. I guess all's well. Hey, JJet. What kind of fishing do you do? Inshore/offshore? How's the snook fishing been this summer?
  8. petepaschall

    MIA shrimp

    Never mind - I just found one. Alive and well, just hiding under the rocks.
  9. petepaschall

    MIA shrimp

    I put 4 peppermint shrimp in my tank last Friday after a nice long acclimation. They all immediately went into the rocks. I saw one come out that night, but have not seen any since. Should I be worried that they didn't make it, or does it take them a while to get comfortable? I have some...
  10. petepaschall

    How much is too much?

    Once my 75 gets a little more established and I get my lighting upgraded, I'd like to begin reefin'. I'm trying to figure out how many fish I should keep in the tank. I have 1 Flame Hawk and 2 Clarkiis. I also have around 25 scarlet hermits and 10 Turbo snails. My next fish will probably be...
  11. petepaschall

    alk question

    Thanks, Guys. That was a great read. I guess I'll continue to do water changes (tell the bank I'm sorry) and adding the 2 part buffer and hopefully that'll get my accounts back in order.
  12. petepaschall

    alk question

    I am dosing according to the label instructions, except that I'm not doing it every day. It says 10 ml (1 capful) per 40 gallons of each in the morning daily until levels are where you want them. So I use 2 capfuls of each (part A then B, A then B), just a shade under filled (since it's a 75g...
  13. petepaschall

    alk question

    Got my new test kits in the mail today, and ran every test I could. My alkilinity tested high (6.0 m/l), so I tested it again wih my old test kit and it was fine (3.0 meg/l). So I tested it again with the new one twice and it was high (5.0 and 5.5 m/l). I've been using Kent Tech C B 2-part...
  14. petepaschall

    fish suggestions

    I have converted my 55 to a 75 after a losing most of my fish to an ich epidemic (QT lesson learned). I took the few fish I made it through the Ich outbreak back to the fish store so as not to subject them to the "move" in case the new tank goes through a cycle. So, I'm basically starting...
  15. petepaschall

    Hey Slick... a little help

    Thanks, man. I appreciate the info. I've already got a start on my canopy, so I'll have to pass on the one your looking to get rid of (but I appreciate the offer). Your description has helped me to decide on a few things I was debating in my head. In fact, it sounds like your design is...
  16. petepaschall

    What's up with this?

    Thanks Mike! Are they as big a pest as the aptasia? Pete
  17. petepaschall

    What's up with this?

    I guess it could be. They are very white, and the tentacles look like little bulbs. It looks a lot like the picture of the BTA on this site's order page (U-Build It), and I've had two BTAs in the past, so I figured that's what they were. But Lord knows I've been wrong before...:) Pete
  18. petepaschall

    Hey Slick... a little help

    I really like the pictures of the canopy you designed for the guy in Mississppi. I just set up 75g yesterday, and need to build a canopy. I would like to be able to put a 4 bulb VHO lighting system in it. Could you give me some specifics on your design? Thanks! Pete...
  19. petepaschall

    Will this cause my tank to cycle again?

    What about if I decided to leave the bio balls in (which is what I did)? Would there be enough existing bacteria on those to prevent an ammonia spike? I have a cleanup crew in the tank, and amm worried about them.
  20. petepaschall

    What's up with this?

    That's exactly what was on the live rock that is multiplying. Tell me about it - I just thought they were baby anemones. The ones from inside the wet/dry are BTA's. I've had 2 BTA's and thought that they had died. I just can't figure out they managed to get into the overflow box, up the...