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  1. tatchia

    Shrimp dying

    He could be molting and the stress from your levels is causing him more stress????
  2. tatchia


    Oh - well I didn't know it was illegal - but I guess that makes sense since you wouldn't know what the fish had been exposed to. ummmm.... Maybe I can find someone with a larger tank to take him - but in the meantime does anyone have any ideas of what to feed it? Thanks
  3. tatchia


    I must admit that I bought the fish on whim because I felt sorry for the fish. I don't want to take the fish back to the lfs though. Would it be okay to put him back in the ocean?
  4. tatchia


    I know that this probalby wasn't the wisest decision I ever made, but my lfs had a baby flounder for sale and I bought him. That aside, what do flounders eat? I have been putting flake food in the tank, but I don't think he eats it. :( Thanks, Rachel
  5. tatchia

    Six Line Wrasse

    I have a 29 gal tank with 30lbs lr, 3 turbo snails, 2 hermit crabs, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 perc clown, 2 purple firefish, and a feather duster. Would it be okay to add a six line wrasse to this tank? I saw one at my lfs and fell in love with the little guy - he's sooo cool. Any advise would...
  6. tatchia

    Something tore my shrimp in two

    I haven't heard any clicking noises. The last time I put lr in my tank was about 3 weeks ago. The shrimp were already in the tank when I put the lr in. Thanks!!
  7. tatchia

    Something tore my shrimp in two

    From what I've read you can keep 2 of those together. ummm....
  8. tatchia

    Something tore my shrimp in two

    When I came home today something had torn one of my camelback shrimp in two!!!!! At first I just thought he had molted, but then I found a piece of his tail with the whole tail - fleshy part and all!!!! There was a large "chunck" of flesh. The only KNOWN tank mates are another camelback...
  9. tatchia

    Will turbo snails eat coraline algea?

    I have a blue damsal and a perc clown fish. 2 camelback shrimp and 3 redleg crabs. I haven't noticed any urchins in my tank - he would have been a hitchhiker on my some of my lr. I haven't changed lighting ..... ummmmmmmmmmm... Thanks for the replys!!
  10. tatchia

    Will turbo snails eat coraline algea?

    There are big patches of my coraline algea gone from my rock in my 29 gallon tank. The only thing that I have added recently is 5 turbo snail.
  11. tatchia


    Thanks for the info - I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that he's just in the rock hiding!!!:)
  12. tatchia


    I thought they only shed thier "skin" when molting - not thier actual claws? Is that true? I guess he could be in the rock hiding until he grows his stuff back. How long does that take? Thanks
  13. tatchia


    He didn't make it through the night, his body parts are all over the tank, arms, legs, whiskers, the whole thing not like he molted. I can't find his body though. The only thing that I have that would eat him are bristleworms. Could they have ate him that fast? :(
  14. tatchia


  15. tatchia


    oh yeah and btw my water parameters are good 0 amonia, o nitrites, ph 8.5, water temp 78 F, 29 g tank with one blue damsel, one small perc clown, 3 crabs, 5 snails and 2 camel shrimp.
  16. tatchia


    I bought a coral banded shrimp today from the lfs. He seemed fine until I put him in the tank (I floated him for 30 min w/just the lfs water and then added a little of my water and floated him for another 30 min). When I first released him he floated down to the bottom and fell over on his...
  17. tatchia

    What does ICH look like?

    When I got home from work today, my fish is doing fine. No more bumps or whiteness!!!! hooray And my damsel seemed to be leaving him alone.
  18. tatchia

    What does ICH look like?

    The bumps are very small - the clown is very small - but when I looked at him this morning the whiteness had faded back to his orange color, but the bumps are still there. My damsel was aggressive toward him in the beginning - could he have bit him or hurt him somehow? Thanks, Rachel
  19. tatchia

    What does ICH look like?

    Any idea what the bumps could be - what should I do? Thanks for the reply.
  20. tatchia

    What does ICH look like?

    I have a tank raised perc clown in a 29 g tank - he has been there for approx 2 weeks. Yesterday I noticed 3 small "raised" whitish bumps on his side. He is swimming and eating normally. Is it always ICH when there's a white spot? Is it usually "raised" up (what I have read leads me to...