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  1. saltypatti

    Wanting to add mushrooms or sponges....

    If I get power compacts, it sounds like I have to have a ballast to run that??? How much are those usually? The lighting post that was put on for new hobbyist suggests that VHO is actually a better light for corals. What is a good price for these and do they also have to a ballast to run them...
  2. saltypatti

    Wanting to add mushrooms or sponges....

    I have a 48 inch hood. Can I buy two 24 inch hoods and put two different power compacts in there. I like the actnic blue light. As for the animals, I really like the different color sponges, mushrooms and corals. I would like to find some that are great for beginners. Preferably the hardiest...
  3. saltypatti

    Wanting to add mushrooms or sponges....

    He does not really pick on any of the inverts. I have never seen him pick on them. He has a tendency to fight with the other fish, but usually only if he is bothered. He mostly hovers and minds his own business. The LFS that I bought the bicolor angel from said that it is reef safe. I see it...
  4. saltypatti

    Wanting to add mushrooms or sponges....

    I have not posted here in a long time, but I am now needing some help to keep going on getting my reef tank where I want it to be. This is what I have: 55 gallon glass aquarium Penquin 330 with dual biowheels sea clone protein skimmer heater set at 78 degrees 60 pounds of live sand 70 pounds of...
  5. saltypatti

    Mimic or Mustard Tangs

    Here is what I have: I have a 55 gallon with basic filtration, no protein skimmer which is next on the purchase list. I also do not have a QT which I will invest in before I consider any other inhabitants. The tank has been up and running for 11 months. I just checked the water quality...
  6. saltypatti

    Mimic or Mustard Tangs

    Is the mimic or mustard tang just as onry as the yellow tang??? I just lost a copperband butterfly today. I don't think that it was because of the mimic though, but the mimic did pick on it a lot. Lately it has not been picking on the BF. I think that it was not eating or I had less than...
  7. saltypatti

    Do anenomes eat your fish???

    I had a friend who bought either a Florida condii or a pink haitian. It moves all over the tank and seemed to enjoy landing on the clam. One day they found the clam open and gone. They also have lost fish. One was a yellow watchman gobie and some shrimp. Is this thing one that eats your...
  8. saltypatti

    Do any of you guys use stress coat???

    my tank is new, I thought it would be a good thing to have. I want to help make their environment as stable as possible.
  9. saltypatti

    OT: Pool maintenance costs and Spas

    pool. I run the fast pump for 3 hours and the slow for 3. It has a chlorine cup that the water runs through to automatically chlorinate. I do not have a heater or solar panels. I am expecting my bill to run about $50.00 more per month. I am thinking with a heater, you could end up paying...
  10. saltypatti

    What is the best thing to feed inverts if

    I think that it may find plenty of critters to eat. It seems like it eats the left over fish flake and pellet. The starfish looks like it might have eaten a little bit of shrimp. Thanks
  11. saltypatti

    Do any of you guys use stress coat???

    I am going to look into that heavily, because that is my next piece of equipment. Thank for answering.
  12. saltypatti

    Yeah!!! I am a mandarin now!!!

    I never thought I would love having a salt water tank this much. I just sit by the tank and watch them. It is fascinating. I wish I had posted to this board before I bought my equipment.
  13. saltypatti

    Yeah!!! I am a mandarin now!!!

    I am so glad to be here on this board. There is sure a wealth of information.
  14. saltypatti

    What is the best thing to feed inverts if

    Do you know about the starfish and the horseshoe crabs???
  15. saltypatti

    I am dying to know who ate my peppermint shrimp...

    garlic too. I agree that an empty belly will search out any food. I usually feed them two times a day. Flake and pellet. I am going to give alot more variety when the time comes. Thanks for letting me know about the empty shells, I should have thought of that.
  16. saltypatti

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    Have lost several fish too. However, all of the fish that I lost are from the same lfs. As I told everyone in a previous post, The fish were 50%. I would see dead fish in the tank even at the end of the day and the alive fish would be eating the dead fish. That kind of caused me to figure...
  17. saltypatti

    Do any of you guys use stress coat???

    then find out that it is useless. It sounds like a good product.
  18. saltypatti

    What is the best thing to feed inverts if

    the detritus which is the uneaten food. That is why they are cleaners. My starfish will hang out on the glass and the rocks. The horseshoe crabs clean the sand bed. The problem that I have is that my fish are out of the tank, so I am wondering if I should keep putting flakes in and let them...
  19. saltypatti

    I am dying to know who ate my peppermint shrimp...

    it, I was just used too many!!!! I do not get mad here, because most pople know more than I do and can offer a lot of advice. My question is that if the royal gramma is a meat eater, why do they consider it reef safe???? I would think that if it would eat a crab, it would not be safe. Do you...
  20. saltypatti

    I want to do some research on fish food

    I have time to do some research and checking out the stores. Do you guys buy your food online??? Patti