Search results

  1. saltypatti

    Do any of you guys use stress coat???

    coat or does it only declorinate water??? I have a tap water conditioner, but now I am using RO water. I just thought about using the stress coat since I think having things in their tank like the vaccum and our hands stress them out. What do you think???? Patti
  2. saltypatti

    Do any of you guys use stress coat???

    I saw it in the store and one place I went to said it is good to put it in everytime you do a water change??? What do you think??? Patti
  3. saltypatti

    I want to do some research on fish food

    I want to know what you guys use and how they like it???? Most of the fish were eating the flakes, but it does not look like anyone eats the pellets. any other types of food fare better for the fish??? Can I have brand names??? That would help me in looking at the store and comparing. Patti
  4. saltypatti

    I am dying to know who ate my peppermint shrimp...

    think it was them!!! It is kind of frustrating. Patti
  5. saltypatti

    I am dying to know who ate my peppermint shrimp...

    This happened awhile back. I do not have fish right now, but when I did, I had a yellow tang, pj cardinal, two clownfish, a royal gramma, a blue hippo tang and a blue koran. One day, I saw the peppermint shrimp half eaten. He had been in the tank for like two weeks and was cleaning several of...
  6. saltypatti

    SWF.COM Ship Times

    You will get an email confirming when they will ship. I ordered on a Tuesday. I got an email on Wednesday that they would deliver on Thursday. They give you a tracking number. I received my items at 11:30am. I think I read somewhere on the site that confirms your order that if you order on a...
  7. saltypatti

    What is the best thing to feed inverts if

    your fish are out of the tank??? My fish are in hyposalinity right now. I have an orange linkia, 2 horseshoe crabs and several hermit crabs. Since the fish are out, I am concerned about what to feed them. Any suggestions??? Patti
  8. saltypatti

    I want to do some research on fish food

    what is the best kind to use for fish??? I heard the soaking in garlic which sounds great. What is the best food to give fish like the yellow tang, clowns, hippo tang, a royal gramma and a pj cardinal. They are not in my tank right now, but I want to know if the food I have been giving them is...
  9. saltypatti

    I would like help starting a reef tank....

    Since I started this hobby, I soaked alot of money into the tank and the fish. I just bought about $150.00 of rock. I can not spend any more money right now. I just want to get a skimmer and better lights than I have. I agree with you that I will be keeping the easier corals and polyps until...
  10. saltypatti

    Ordering Fish Online

    They were so far the best things I have bought. I trust them so far and will buy from them again. Really take the time to research the site before you buy and ask here, because the experts can help you. Patti
  11. saltypatti

    Orange Linka Starfish Help!

    I bought an orange linkia before my tank was really established because I wanted one. He came from Florida to Ca. I acclimated her for two hours and then placed her in the tank. She did really well during acclimation. Moving all over the place. After I put her in the tank, a while later, she...
  12. saltypatti

    New tank setup

    from their knowlege. Right now I have a 55 gallon with 95 pounds of LR and a 3-4 inch sand bed. I bought bottled water because our tap has a lot of junk in it. I have a penquin 300 with two filter pads and two bio wheels. I am going to get a protein skimmer. I heard that is an important...
  13. saltypatti

    HD Sand / Cloudy Water Q

    look cloudy or the type of glass in my tank??? I have a new 55 gallon with 95 pounds of LR and a 3-4 inch sand bed. I have done a few water changes and I used good filtered water on this last one. Even when I clean the walls, it still looks a little cloudy. Parts of the side are clear. I...
  14. saltypatti

    "Best" test kits?

    kit. I had to buy a combo one, because the lfs gave me four separate boxes for each test. It was a pain to open each one up, do the test and then check the result and put it back in the box. It was more hassle than it was worth. The one I got is a basic saltwater test kit. It has a tray...
  15. saltypatti

    How much LR for 29 gal?

    a new tank and needs all the help it can get. Plus I want a really nice reef display. It is a total wall right now with lots of little areas like caves that I made for the fish, I can not wait to add coral and mushrooms. patti
  16. saltypatti


    Of course, the eat the uneaten food. I was just wondering! I am going to get some as soon as my fish are back in the tank! Patti
  17. saltypatti

    Ricordea Health

    are they very hardy??? Are they the best to start with when you are starting a reef??? I still need equipment and rearrange my rock, but I wanted to do some research on what the best things are to start with. sells 5 ricordea for $20.00. My lfs mentioned something about charging me...
  18. saltypatti

    Electric Bill Questions ??

    78-80. My tank does not have much equipment on it, so I do not think it is going to be much difference. My last bill was $284.00. I have a pool now, so that is part of the problem. However, we can come in from swimming and put the air at 80. It is almost too cold when it is lower. I have...
  19. saltypatti

    I would like help starting a reef tank....

    a bigger tank, but I can not afford to have two tanks right now, nor do I have the room. If I could take back the 55 and get 75 or more I would , but it is too late to take it back. This will have to work for now. I know someone who has a 55 gallon reef tank and they are very pleased with it...
  20. saltypatti

    Beth, I read the post about the nemo fish

    seems to be the best price. I can get the conscientious aquarist for $28.00. It is a paperback. The hardback is $10 more. I also want to get marine fishes and the natural reef aquaruium. I will get them, but getting on the computer to order is not always easy. Keep nagging!!!! I need it...