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  1. booba


    Just wondering how they ship sharks. A big bag or what!!!!:help:
  2. booba

    Nitrate level

    I had the same prob. I clean the filter . I took everythin out and cleaned it with water.. did a water change and now no prob... :yes:
  3. booba

    'Sand Turtle'// mole crab//sand flea

    :help: Ok i see these mole crabs/'Sand Turtle'/sand fleas .. everyone calles them something diffrent.. Can I put them in my tank. I see that you can bye them here on this site. I had some when i went to the beach but they died over night.
  4. booba

    Dying Fish

    Thank You !!1
  5. booba

    Dying Fish

    I have cyno growing in my tank. I put chemi clean in it yesturday and now my fish is swiming at the bottom of tank and breathing hard. It usally never comes out of the bubble tip or never to far off. now never gets in it . Fish has been in tank for over 2 months .. :scared:
  6. booba

    Lighting ?

    I just built a light for my 40 gal. corner. When I plug it in it makes my TV all snow or radio a buzz noise. What could I do to fix it. I bought the balest at a lighting store and it it rated for 4 25 watts lamps. HELP!!!!!!:help:
  7. booba


    crabs and fish havnt been in there a week ..:confused:
  8. booba


    I see all these threads about algae. I have had my tank running for about 2 months and went through my cycle everything thing is 0 except nitrates is 10. I have a clown, scooter, 3 crabs, Haitian Condylactis Anemone. I have no algae none. everything is as white as the day I got it . Is this a...
  9. booba

    55 and 75 for sale in WV

    Here is the size on the 75 48 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 21 3/8 L W H 55 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 21 L W H :p
  10. booba

    Lighting ?

    OK I have looked at those mh lights's the two ended kind are they the same as the halogen lights that you can get at hardware store. can you use the halogen bulbs you get with them ... Looks like if you can it would be alot cheeper to go that route.. :confused:
  11. booba

    LOL a 6-pack for everyone that are hungry

    And you wonder why they call it dope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  12. booba

    live rock

    I just bought 50# from and split it with a freind had alot of nice pieces with red. green,purple algee on it one peice was 2 feet X 2 Feet . here is a pic of it .. cool piece of rock ... all pre cured.... :)
  13. booba


    ok will do... What is salt creep .....:confused:
  14. booba

    adding rock???

    it is 2 feet X 2 feet
  15. booba

    adding rock???

    Here is one of the large piecies of rock we got from
  16. booba


  17. booba


  18. booba


    Here is some pics of my new tank 40 gal corner ....... And of a big piece of rock I got from it is about 2 feet long and 2 feet wide.. Cool rock with green .. red.. purple .. alge on it ... and a lot of tube but haven't seen anything come out yet .. amonia is still high.. :p
  19. booba

    The shrimp thing

    Go get the fish back .... use them if not you will have to wait longer for the cycle .. trust me you will ////////////////////:rolleyes:
  20. booba

    New Tank ?

    OK This is the first time I have sarted a tank using a shrimp........ I have read on the board that it is the best way to go about it so no fish are killed, injured, stressed..... OK ... I have started one with fish one time before with no problems.. Ok I know lucky.. So i put the shrimp in...