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  1. powdertoastman

    Can i do frogspawn or hammers or torches?

    we keep a few LPS's under PC's in our 30g and they do great. i say try one and see how it works out.
  2. powdertoastman

    Has anyone kept a open brain with pc lighting?
  3. powdertoastman

    Red Sea Prizm Delux skimmer- any thoughts?

    we run a prizm HOB on our 29g reef and it works great, i hear they suck all the time, but i dont think so. it pulls out a TON of brown stuff from the water everyday, and im very happy with how well it works and how quite it is. and it only cost us a few frags from someone local, so not a bad...
  4. powdertoastman

    Am I reef ready???

    yes keep the worms, they keep your tank clean, most you could keep with those lights is shrooms, maybe some zoos and maybe a toadstool if it was high up and some green star polyps. we use a prizm skimmer on our 30g and it works great, ive heard they suck, but if you ask me, its a great skimmer...
  5. powdertoastman

    Has anyone had clown take to a hairy mushroom is it a good combo?

    ScubaGirl and sweetreef, where at in OR are you from? if your between portland and salem, there is a local reef club that has meetings every month to swap frags and talk with local reefers. if you want more info on it email me at i cant post the link on here so i have to...
  6. powdertoastman

    reef pictures, 3 months old

    looking nice. yes they do look more like rics then shrooms. and that macro will grow like mad if you dont watch it, can over run a tank. that "rabbit ear" looks alot like a thin finger leather. dont know if it is, but here is a pic of our thin finger back when we got it. its now HUGE, with...
  7. powdertoastman

    Open brain ok under PC's

    we had a huge green one in our old 55g under 2 96w PC's and it did great. got HUGE fast and had very nice color. just make sure you feed it too.
  8. powdertoastman

    Shark is 7in.

    looking back at your post, it sounds like you either dont have a big tank yet, or just got it a few days ago. if you just got it did you cycle it before putting a shark into it?
  9. powdertoastman

    Explain where your user name originated

    oh come on, no one remembers ren and stimpy?
  10. powdertoastman

    Explain where your user name originated

    hint *fats and flys out window backwards*
  11. powdertoastman

    Rock formations... set up

    its kinda hard to decide before hand how you want it to look, it never turns out how you want. i just start stacking and if i dont like it i redo it.
  12. powdertoastman

    Wanting to add a fish. Please give me ideas

    how about an Anthias or a purple firefish, they both have great colors and are peaceful and dont get very big, also a clown goby or 2 would add some nice color, we have a green one and a yellow one and they make the tank look good.
  13. powdertoastman

    cant get lion to eat

    well we tryed getting a few little goldfish today, just hoping he would eat, even though we know they are not good for lions. he still wont eat anything, so we really need help, any other ideas? we have tryed everything people told us and everything we have read about feeding them, and nothing...
  14. powdertoastman

    Good deal???

    buy used if you can, we got our 150g setup for $400 with 150g glass tank, stand, hood, PH's, sump w/ return pump and plumbing, duel 400w MH ballasts w/ spider flectors and bulbs, single 175w MH setup, and duel 4' NO 20k setup. it would have cost us more then 2k for that setup brand new.
  15. powdertoastman

    cant get lion to eat

    we got a free black lion from a LFS around here because he had a messed up eye, turns out it is pop eye we think. the LFS said he had been feeding him sliversides and krill and it was eating just fine, but now we cant get him to after 3 days. we got some meds for pop eye from another LFS and...
  16. powdertoastman

    Please ID this crazy worm!

    check this thread, we had the same thing in our tank and got an ID, here is the topic.
  17. powdertoastman

    Angel fish in with agressive?

    shark and ray are going to get to big for a 150, you need atleast a 200g i would say.
  18. powdertoastman

    dragon wrasse

    copyed and pasted from another site, here is info on dragon wrasses. The Dragon Wrasse is also referred to as the Rockmover Wrasse. The juvenile, has a burgundy body with white markings. The fins are also notable in their appearance, especially the first two dorsal spines that form a "cow-lick."...
  19. powdertoastman

    how often should i feed my SFE?

    ok thanks, ill try that.
  20. powdertoastman

    Stocking list for a 150-180gal

    i would watch out with a shark in a 150, make sure the tank is wide enough for it to turn around and not hit the sides of the tank doing so. you want it to have lots of room to swim and live, also the ray needs lots of room.