Search results

  1. whiterose

    Aquarium (Stocked 90 gal.)

    I appreciate your responses to this thread. I would like to clarify that I am selling the tank as one COMPLETE item. In other words, I do not want to break up the tank and sell parts separately. Also, the person that buys it has to pick it up in Panama City, FL (2 hours from Pensacola). Thanks...
  2. whiterose

    Aquarium (Stocked 90 gal.)

    I am selling a completely stocked, 1 year old 90 gallon saltwater aquarium that is very well maintained. I do not want to get rid of the tank, but fear a move overseas in the near future and would like to sell to someone who is serious about the saltwater tank hobby and who will enjoy having a...
  3. whiterose


    Complete 75 gallon aquarium for sale for someone living in the Panama City, FL area (I don't want to have to ship it). The set-up is about 1 year old and I am getting rid of it because I upgraded to a larger tank. Included: 1) 75 gallon glass rectagular tank with a mirror for a background 2)...
  4. whiterose

    Setting up a tank

    Well, what if the water is just across the street and you can get it any time you want so long as it is not full of debris? I'm wondering if the cycling time would be speeded up just a bit since valuable bacteria already exists.
  5. whiterose

    Setting up a tank

    Has anyone ever tired setting up a tank using saltwater from the sea? I am curious is this has been done and if so was it successful. :notsure:
  6. whiterose

    brown slime

    I have changed the water once per week, per month, bi-weekly, etc.. The phosphates are testing normal. No high levels of phosphates or nitrates. That is what makes this problem so strange to me.
  7. whiterose

    brown slime

    I have this brown slime looking stuff in my tank. I have cleaned it off my rocks and the sand but it comes back and seems to ooze from under the sand. It is all over the place and if left alone it seems to develop into green algae that is sort of stringy and continues to grow until it covers...
  8. whiterose

    water evaporation

    What is the acceptable amount of water evaporation in a 75 gal. tank? I lose about 2 qts. every other day. I don't have a glass cover because I heard toxix gases can't escape and they seem to get dirty real fast. I have noticed many set-ups without the galss tops. I have two fans that keep the...
  9. whiterose

    water changes

    I have a 75 gal tank and I put in idione, calcium, and strombium on a weekly basis. I use R/O water and have a wet/dry filter with skimmer. The chemistry levels of the water are as recommended. I have mainly corals and very few fish.
  10. whiterose

    water changes

    I have heard and many people state that they rarely do water changes. I am wondering how you keep the appropriate water parameters considering that phosphates are not taken out of the water on a regular basis thereby increasing the nitrates in the tank that cause problems such as red slime or...
  11. whiterose

    Complete 75 gal. reef tank in GA

    Due to an upcoming move, I am considering selling my beloved saltwater tank. I live in Warner Robins, GA and will only sell to a nearby buyer to preserve and minimize shock to the livestock in the tank. The tank comes as a COMPLETE PACKAGE and parting IS NOT an option. The aquarium itself is...
  12. whiterose

    cleaner shrimp

    Does anyone know the life expectancy of a cleaner shrimp?
  13. whiterose

    wet/dry filter

    By sponges I mean the one that is a tube that goes in the back of the tank itself, then the flat square one that fits on top of the wet/dry filter that drips to the bio-balls, and the rectangular one that sits on the bottom of the wet/dry filter. Should those be rinsed off or not? I heard doing...
  14. whiterose

    wet/dry filter

    I haver another question, if live rock is used in place of bio-balls, should that setup be supported by lights to keep the live rock LIVE. My wet/dry is one that fits under my cabinet and it's dark under there.
  15. whiterose

    wet/dry filter

    In regards to cleaning the bio-balls, how do you guys go about cleaning them? Do you take out all the balls, clean only half and put the clean balls on the bottom and the other dirty half on top? Any advice on how and when to clean the sponge on the top, bottom and back filter? I heard those...
  16. whiterose

    wet/dry filter

    Here is another controversial topic, but I am curious to hear the responses. What is the best way of maintaining a wet/dry filter for optimal efficiency? Bio balls/no bio balls? :happyfish
  17. whiterose

    Calcium level problem

    My lights are brand new, I feed every other day and use frozen cubes and pellet foods for the scavengers, and I use R/O water for top off. What are the part one and two you are talking about Rizzo? I'm not farmiliar with how those are used.
  18. whiterose

    Calcium level problem

    I was always told to use calcium, strombium, iodine, trace elements, and a buffer. It's hard to know what to use or not to use because there is such a variety of opinions out there. Do you think the high alkalinity is causing brown algae to explode?
  19. whiterose

    dKH, KH, PH; What does it all mean?

    I am so confused about the meaning of dKH, KH, PH, ALK, and others. Once and for all, what does it all mean and why is this so confusing? My brain is about explode. :scared:
  20. whiterose

    Calcium level problem

    PH is 8.3, but I don't know how to test for ALK. I don't think I have a test for that is my huge kit. The KH is 250 but I don't know if that is a factor, I know it's quite high. How do I lower the KH?