Calcium level problem


I have battled high calcium levels for about a year now (450). I believe that the imbalance is causing brown algae and PH balance problems. I have done everything I know to do to get the calcium levels correct. I use reef carbonate, iodine, reef complete, and reef plus as directed on the bottle (twice per week). I also use Coralife salt and R/O water for water changes.


450 ppm is actually perfectly where you want it..its most likely your other supplements that are causing problems. Stop dosing everything else besides the calcium and alk liquids(only when needed)..


I read that 450 is too high for calcuim levels and that they shoul be between 410-420 to be beneficial. So you guys are saying stop using the reef complete, carbonate, iodine, and reef plus? I don't know what else is causing the brown algae. It's not like the tank is new. It has been running for over a year! At what point do I continue the supplements and what supplements should I use? Maybe I am using the wrong things. :notsure:


Active Member
What is your Alk level? Cal-Alk-pH is all a balance. Depending on what corals you have you may need no more than just water changes.


PH is 8.3, but I don't know how to test for ALK. I don't think I have a test for that is my huge kit.
The KH is 250 but I don't know if that is a factor, I know it's quite high. How do I lower the KH?


450 is not bad, yes on the high side but that is the max I would go.
Yes, I would stop adding a "that stuff" and would not even bother with iodine.
dKh is related to Alk. dKH should be from 7 to 11 and Alk should be 2.5 to 4.
And as noted before me, they are all integral to eachother.
Ph can be from 7.8 to 8.5 while 8.1 to 8.3 is better.
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Active Member
The less stuff you add to your water the better.
I use a Red Sea Alk test. It is kinda basic but it works.
Salifert makes a really good one.


just got done doing my tests and so far I love all my Sailfet's except for Ph. The Sailfet Ph test is "more general" , on the scale to read, then my old Red Sea one. Weird.
But all the other Sailfet's test are more accurate I think...and cheaper in the long run.

bang guy

Your Calcium is fine at 450. Your KH is too high though. Cut out the carbonate additives until it's around 150 - 175.


I was always told to use calcium, strombium, iodine, trace elements, and a buffer. It's hard to know what to use or not to use because there is such a variety of opinions out there. Do you think the high alkalinity is causing brown algae to explode?


Do you think the high alkalinity is causing brown algae to explode?
no, but it could be other things..
what kind of top off water you use?
how old are your bulbs?
how much are you feeding, how often?


Iodine will promote algae. So will old lights. And suspension foods also. You said...
It's hard to know what to use or not to use because there is such a variety of opinions out there.
Lets keep it simple... Add nothing, until your test kits tell you that you need to add something. Trace elements and all the iodine you need will come in your salt mix, and if they don't, switch salt mixes. Oceanic has been very successful for many of us.
The absolute ONLY things I add are the 2 parts of my B-Ionic. When the Alk's low, I add part 1. When the calcium is low, I add part 2. That's it. I target feed foods that are sometimes soaked in those suspension liquids, but I never just dump them straight into the tank.


My lights are brand new, I feed every other day and use frozen cubes and pellet foods for the scavengers, and I use R/O water for top off. What are the part one and two you are talking about Rizzo? I'm not farmiliar with how those are used.


what is your phophate levels and what kind of water flow do you have? po4 is a main contributor to brown algae.



Originally posted by whiterose
What are the part one and two you are talking about Tizzo? I'm not farmiliar with how those are used.




Originally posted by whiterose
What are the part one and two you are talking about Tizzo? I'm not farmiliar with how those are used.
