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  1. soupysteve

    ID Please! Not Ich or Oolidium(?)

    well, I found him dead under a rock last night - the hermits had polished off his carcass almost completely. :nope: I guess on the bright side, he won't be a host for the Ich anymore. :rolleyes: Anyway, I went ahead and made some food (see Soupy's Stinky Stuff in the Reef forums) with garlic and...
  2. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    I've had this one for a couple of months now. I got him to replace the six-line wrasse I had that decided to go carpet surfing... He has gotten MUCH more colors since being introduced to my tank. He was pretty plain looking at the LFS. Only "bad" thing it does is burrow under my aragonite at...
  3. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    So does using the GARLIC not garlic JUICE yeild any negative reults - or is it just because the fish won't eat the chunks that you should use the juice?
  4. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    Really? That's interesting. Do you know how you can get "JUICE" without the "pulp"? I'd like to know how this is done!
  5. soupysteve

    Brittle Star

    I had a green one. It ate my lawnmower blenny. No kidding. The starfish got huge and would knock stuff over. I wouldn't recomend.
  6. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    here's why I did it!
  7. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    Just FYI, I have the following fish in my tank: 2 false percs, 2 pajama cardinals, a flame angel, and a yellow wrasse. The fish ate everything quite aggressively - except the nori. I can assume that those of you who have fish that are mainly vegetarians will gobble the nori up, but my wrasse and...
  8. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    I did shake the knife I used to empty the blender out in my tank - everyone wanted to nibble on the gunk that floated off... I'll keep you all posted after the stuff freezes - and let you know how well everyone likes it. All in all, it cost me VERY LITTLE for this project and I hope the fish...
  9. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    I then poured it all into this baggie. The hardest part was getting all the gunk out from under the blades. I threw it in the freezer so that it makes a flat sheet that I can chip off.
  10. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    I mixed it all. I had to stop the blender twice and stir the nori sheets in better. It really didn't smell TOO AWFULLY BAD...
  11. soupysteve

    Soupy's Stinky Stuff

    This is what all I used: I took one "chunk" off of the garlic clove, two sheets of Nori (found it for $2 at "East East" (asian market on Campbell), a 2" x 4" chunk of frozen mysid shrimp, 5 whole shrimp (I shelled them, and took off their legs), 4 cubes of Mega-Marine, a ping-pong ball sized...
  12. soupysteve

    ID Please! Not Ich or Oolidium(?)

    I bought a clove of garlic last night. This Am, I busted off a "chunk" of it, and cut it at finely as possible. I then put it all in a dish, added tank water and frozen cyclopeeze, and squished the garlic/cyclop mix. The fish ate it - dunno if it'll clear things up or not.
  13. soupysteve

    Water Chemistry Questions...

    So, basically, what you're saying Bang, is that my test kit is junk... How much are these Salifert test kits? The Red Sea one I have was like $45. I thought it was kinda pricey.
  14. soupysteve

    Water Chemistry Questions...

    My water params are: 80.5 F, 1.0245 SG, Ca is at 460ppm, Alk tests at norm/low. pH is at 8.2, Nitrite .007 ppm, nitrate <2.5ppm, and Ammonia at .25 ppm. I use Red Sea test kits so, these results aren't perfect... I understand that I should try to have my Nirates, Nitrites, and Ammonia levels at...
  15. soupysteve

    ID Please! Not Ich or Oolidium(?)

    What type of tank do I have? It's a reef tank - all softies if that's what you're asking. I plan on making a small batch of food for the tank this weekend sometime. I plan to use a small bit of frozen cyclopeeze, the rest of my frozen brine, and garlic. Is there any rule of thumb for the amount...
  16. soupysteve

    ID Please! Not Ich or Oolidium(?)

    I bought two Grammas at an LFS on the 21st of August. They were bagged together (1st mistake). When I got home 2hrs later, one had killed the other. I took the dead one from the bag and tossed it. I floated the bag in the display. I used a turkey baster to take out water from the bag (squirted...
  17. soupysteve

    Will a 6 line eat these Amphipods?

    I'd love for you to send me a few MILLION of your BILLION! My sixline wrasse decimated my amphipod population! If you wanna get rid of them, the sixline WILL do the job. Just FYI, another wrasse that will do the same job is the yellow wrasse. It is very pretty as well.
  18. soupysteve

    Is my Brain hurt? Pic inside

    What sort of fish do you have? I had to trade my brain away after I noticed my Flame Angel picking on its tissue...
  19. soupysteve

    Feed back appreciated!

    Hippo Tang - will you be able to catch it after it outgrows your tank without stressing it to the point it will become vurnerable to Ich and other bad diseases? I wouldn't get anything you'd HAVE to take out later EVER. I can see a case for buying young fish if you plan to get a bigger tank...
  20. soupysteve

    Aiptasia vs. Super Glue.

    In every reef forum site I go to there always seems to be someone who wants to know how to get rid of aptasia. IT WOULD SEEM that none of the moderators at any of these sites has ever decided "Hey, maybe we should sticky a thread about aptasia removal" - not that I am trying to HINT AT...