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  1. aloka de silva

    halide bulbs?

    I am also looking some answes, I have a 180 Gal tank with 4 T-5 and 4 flourasants. Now I want to add some Corrals and soft corals. with the hood I have now, its imposibal to have a retro kit install in it. Thinkig about getting a 72'' retro kit. If any one can give me some advice , would be...
  2. aloka de silva

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    for the 2nd time my meroon laid some eggs. how do you collect the little once when the hatch? and did you use any filtration when they are separated?
  3. aloka de silva

    Steel ball kind of things growing in live rocks

    Hi I have a 180 gal tank with 4 T5 lights. Running a 9 hr a day. Lionfish, 2 maroon clowns, domino damsel, 2 blue blanies, and a duoff angel. Lots of anemones. Few months ago I noticed some steel ball kind of thing growing on one of the rocks. Last week there are 2 more pup up. Please let me...
  4. aloka de silva

    Bad ICH in my tank

    I have few quetions about ich. I hava a 180 gal tank and about 20 fish coral angel, flame angel,blue korane angel, Dusky Angel, purple Nudibranch, Cleaer wrasse, 2 moorish idols, pink anthia, sail fin tang, 2 yelow tangs, lion fish. gold stripe maroon , white srtipe maroon, 2domino damsels , 2...
  5. aloka de silva

    Ich Q

    Thanks beth
  6. aloka de silva

    Ich Q

    I have aflame angel for few weeks now, yesterday saw some white spots on him. then found out about Garlic juse. I have 2 Q's is it safe to put garlic juse with food when you have some soft corals?and how long you have to add garlic juse to the food? Thanks
  7. aloka de silva

    i bought garlic what?

    can you put garlic when you have lots of anemonies in your tank?
  8. aloka de silva

    maroon clowns

    I bought a white strip one and a gold strip maroon about 2 weeks ago. they were killing each other , went through a fresh water bath to get the slime out of there skin. still didnt have that much luck about there bickering. then I bought a rock with 3 bubble tips on it. they were going after...