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  1. shady

    Filteration question

    well its a 175 gallon tank..
  2. shady

    Filteration question

    How many times should a reef aquarium be filtred per hour?
  3. shady

    Thicknes of a 160G tank

  4. shady

    Thicknes of a 160G tank

    :) thanx for the reply, but can you tell me the mesuremnt in millimeters? thanx
  5. shady

    Thicknes of a 160G tank

    Hey there, Im' plannind to build my own tank, I would like to know whats the appropriate thickness of glass for a 160G tank. Thanx..
  6. shady

    Ratio of LRs in a sump??

    thnx guys. TheGrog:Where are you getting your ratio numbers from??? It was explained in a DIY sump topic on aquarticles. com.
  7. shady

    Ratio of LRs in a sump??

    Hey everyone... As i said b4, planning to build a 114g tank. Then will soon make a sump filter sutable for the tank's specs. I did a little search and found out that the ratio of LRs for the sump will be 1.5 to 1.75lbs/gallon!! Does that really mean that i should get 171lbs of LRs?? :scared...
  8. shady

    oo my god!!!!,look what i found in my overflow.please indentifi.ASAP!!!!!

    Looks like something that grows in a fish's intestines to me, try to do a search on fish desies.... freaky, good luck with that :)
  9. shady

    ok, need big time help here plz

    thanx . I've decided to go for the sump idea i saw on a site...I know how to build it. But what are the dimentions that could go fine with the tank's specs?
  10. shady

    30 gallon lighting

    Reefnut, do you really belive in aliens? *sorry guys*
  11. shady

    ok, need big time help here plz

    Hey everyone, its been a loooong time since I've sent something here, sort of missed it Ok, I'm upgrading to a bigger tank. 60/60/120(cm), 114gl. I know its not easy but, I will be up for it. I'm planning to make my own filter.....just need to know how much fiber, bio ball and ceramic rings...
  12. shady

    instant ocean prob...

    Well the water was like real milk.....i dipped my hand in and i couldnt see my hand about 1cm after the water level.... 0 amonia,about 5 nitrate and 0 nitrite.salt level was 1.030.
  13. shady

    instant ocean prob...

    hi......4days ago....i filled my new tank with water and added the salt(instant ocean salt). i left the pumps working for the salt to dissolve....everything was fine,the water was clear and the spg level was in range... 3days later,the water went totally if it was milk!!!:confused...
  14. shady

    timer problem

    help.....i just got this timer to control time to switch on and off the lights.....the thing is that i did all the connettions,but it never works!!! its called FUJI has more then one choice of time to select.....4mins,40mins,4hours and has to bulbs to indecate what...
  15. shady

    Q about new aquarium...

    ok guys....thanx ...i guess u were really helpfull.....:) but 1 nore thing plz.....for this tank,how many watts/gal do i need? thnx again already found out.....thnx
  16. shady

    Q about new aquarium...

    hi,do i reall need a bio-fillter and/or a skimmer for a reef tank? didnt plan how many lbs will i get till if there is any suggestion with that too....i think it will help. its a 33 gal. thnx:)
  17. shady

    Cure LR????!!!!

    hi....well i was going through the reef tank forum and i red a post about LR "curing".....i have no idear of what that procces is...all that i understood is that you have to do something with the Lrs b4 you add them to your what is Lr curing? how to do that? why do that? thnx for...
  18. shady

    simple Q

  19. shady

    simple Q there any page that would tell me what thoes short terms mean for words used arround here......? ex:Lr,MH,whatever.......? thnx:D
  20. shady

    cottony growth on sandbed

    i think they are sanil eggs.....they were all over my tank,glass,LRs everwhere.....i think that they go crazy in their mating season or something......