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  1. shady


    naah.....dont worrie...all the stuff that i will get are the stuff that i know will surive... hey...if u are into diving and stuff.....u better come visit sinai... the prices are afordable and its THE RED SEA!!!!!:D a place called Sharm el shekh is reccomended visit
  2. shady


    dont worrie guyz....there is no laws or any restriction in the place i go to cause the reefs there are just random small patches in defferent distances.......the rest of the beches are sandy...the dont know it exist anyay!!!;) for catching the fish....should the 2 nets be big or not??? someone...
  3. shady

    identify this please

    well actually the LFS workers here in Egypt dont know anything but the major stuff like butterflys and coral nothing...they just want to sell!!! even this is why i asked a qusetion on the new hobbists...i need major help with that too.......:confused: its subject is...
  4. shady

    identify this please

    At the fish store yeasterday i saw a really small fish that looks exactly like the lion or chicken fish but was less than an inch long and had different shades and stripes of colors like green and bage with some blue curcles!!! it actually looked funky:cool: Does anyone know anything about this...
  5. shady


    Come on guys....i really need help with that...its not that i am cheap and i dont want to pay money on fish...its only cause variety of fish at the store got really bad and they barely get new and different types....SO PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Ok guys....this is the question that i was willing to ask...
  6. shady

    catching them!

    LAW!!!!!!! not in egypt! well we only have that in tourist areas not to the coast i go to! thanx so much any ways.......u made life easyer :D <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
  7. shady

    catching them!

    hi....i was wondering if i can catch the fish i want instaed of buying them??? the thing is the price of fish in egypt is sort of expencive and i think that its better if i cought them my self. there any way that i can do that???? i know that its not easy to catch reef fish. please...
  8. shady

    leather coral

    hi...well i dont have alot of experience with leathers...but the main thing is to place them in a medium current spot with good lighting coz it uses light as a source of food,like corals and anemones....this is what i have done with my leather and now its dooing really well. Ps:i have been on...
  9. shady

    is what i've seen true?

    hi guys....i have a small tank with some small lrs in it....a couple of monthes ago...a 2cm,6legged star fish appeared. a week ago,the star has lost 3 of its leggs and another 3 legged star appeared.... is this the way these stars reproduse?....i am sure that there wasnt any other star in my...
  10. shady

    lr prob!

    so i guess that i could get any form of glue that isnt toxic and it should be water proufe...write?
  11. shady

    one more thing plz

    no the point is that here in egypt,we dont have a variety of things....i asked through all of cairo and they didnt know what am i talking about! thanx
  12. shady

    lr prob!

    well its seems to be hard here in cairo to go and ask them for something like this,they will look at me as if i am from mars! so can u plz discribe it???? thanx (they dont know all the stuff for aquariums)
  13. shady

    one more thing plz

    its me again! :p i want to know where can i find a good timer on the net....i know that u cant type the sights ad here,so can u plz send it to me by Email???? i will be more than pleased. :D
  14. shady

    lr prob!

    hi all.....i have got big LR set in my tank but when ever i get small lr with something like a soft coral or coral to complete the set,it is alwase pushed of place by a crab or a there some way that i could hold the small LR to its place so it cant be tossed over?.....thanx :)
  15. shady


    hi thair....can someone tell me how could i know if a brown striped butterylfy is a male or female,or mainly butterflys....thnk u :)
  16. shady


    and one more thing salt water fish,how can u know the differencs between a male and a female???? thanx
  17. shady


    hi.....i've red in a book that marine fish cant mate in aquariums....if this is true,can u explain why? thank u. :)
  18. shady

    get it or not???

    hi....i have found a nice affordale fillter that does 165gal/h.....could i get it for my 25 gal tank?..... someone told me that it should do arround 6 to 8 rounds/h..... thanx :)
  19. shady


    hi all.....i have this starnge thing thats gooing on in my tank.i have things like algee that grows on everything but it looks dead all the time and it doesent stick,it can be easly moved when there is a grater current.....they are gray and so short and irretating!.....what is this and HOW COULD...
  20. shady

    just how clever could it get??

    hi guys....remember when i told u that i got a picasso trigger and i needed to know how to keep it......well now its dooing grate.....this fish is a miracle....every day i notioce that it gets used to that things that happen arround it...ex,when i dip my hand in to do doesnt even...