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  1. jackson5

    humu humu and porcupine puffer

    midwest reefer - What kind of puffer do you have? I have a small stars and stripes puffer in my 75 gallon and was going to move into 150 in a year or so. Will those outgrow that size of tank? What size do you reccommend?
  2. jackson5

    What Eel Should I Get???

    In the tank right now is a baby lion fish and a small stars and stripes puffer. Will the Mexican Dragon attack these fish?
  3. jackson5

    What Eel Should I Get???

    Those fimbriated morays are cool eels! I hear they can be very aggessive though. I was thinking about getting a Mexican Dragon for my 75 gallon tank. Are they aggressive eels and how big do they get?
  4. jackson5

    Hows this setup sound

    Debbie G, What kind of trigger attacked your lion fish?
  5. jackson5

    Percula Fight

    Your LFS doesn't know what they're talking about. I agree with the previous response. 2 clowns usually will pair up leaving the other one as an outcast. In the wild they do live in groups but I don't suggest you do that since you only have a 30 gallon tank. Give one back to the pet store, not...
  6. jackson5

    scooter and goby

    I have a yellow watchman goby (one of my favorites). He gets pretty aggressive when the other fish swim close to his hole that he shares with his pistol shrimp. He's the only one on the bottom so I don't know how he'll do with a scooter blenny, who I also find cool. Maybe put the scooter in first.
  7. jackson5

    5 gal sw tank?

    Wow! I am surprised those 3 fish were able to survive after a year. The tomato clown will outgrow that size of a tank. They're pretty hardy fish so maybe that's how they survived. I recommend getting a larger tank. You need at least 5 gallons per one inch of fish.
  8. jackson5

    new 55 setup

    Niger Triggers get pretty big. They might be a little cramped in a 55 gallon tank. Triggers, Lions, and Eels are all carnivores thus releasing a lot of waste. I don't think a biowheel is the best way to go unless you are willing to do weekly water changes. For a fish only tank, any lighting...
  9. jackson5

    Sick Goby

    I have a yellow watchman goby in my 30 gallon tank that is not doing so well. I only saw him twice yesterday and he did not eat much. Last night I saw my pom pom crab crawl into his hole. This morning he actually came out and his frown is no longer a frown. It looks like he has a busted lip. Do...
  10. jackson5

    Hawaiian Green Shrimp

    misspelled Correct- Saron Marmoratus
  11. jackson5

    Hawaiian Green Shrimp

    the scientific name is Saron Maroratus
  12. jackson5

    Hawaiian Green Shrimp

    I have found conflicting info on these critters. Some say it is reef safe, others say it will eat other shrimp. I dont know what to think, I have a pistol shrimp right now, If i buy a green shrimp or two will they eat him?????